States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

People are getting laid off, and yes, there are a lot of jobless people because of it. However, why should they receive something, a commodity none-the-less, for free? Part of working is knowing that you are working on an “at free will” basis. They is ALWAYS the chance you can lose your job. It is shitty but it is the truth. It happens, because it is life. And life isn’t fair. Stop expecting it to be.

Healthcare is NOT a right. It is a service. Doctors go to school for many years and work hard to get to where they are. Medical devices are $$$ as well as the insurance they have to have. You think they are going to work for less than what they are worth just because the economy is bad?? No.

I am not going to fix peoples computers for free because people can’t afford it right now. Same as any other business. Insurance is a business, that people have come to rely upon as the main source to pay their bills for medical care. Therefore it should take priority over anything else.