States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

No it is not and your response it typical of that of the uneducated on the matter.

Here is why:

One of our major clients is a rent-to-own corporation. The people that shop at these places pay 6 times the value of an item because they have no financial sense, or credit in most cases. These people are the majority fighting for universal healthcare. They are on fixed incomes spending more money than they have, on shit the DONT NEED. Then they complain they cant afford health insurance.

Take away the $300/month you spend for your rentway living room, big screen TV, and XBOX. Take away the $150/month Unlimited Data plan that you DONT NEED for your cell phone, and put it towards what matters. Your HEALTH.

I hold no sympathy for those who don’t have insurance, what-ever the reason. I hate that I will have to pay out of my pocket so some invalid POS scumbag who doesent work can keep his 54 inch rentacenter TV.

To those who don’t think you need it. Trust me, it is the best investment you can make in your life. ONE accident will put you into enough debt to buy a house. If you are ok with that, fine. But don’t complain when it happens.