States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies

If you think long and hard you will see many thing contriubte to this mess we are in. Look at the younger generation of workers. Schools, culture and technology shows young impresionable minds that they can do less to get away with more. Schools teach work smarter not harder. Cluture tells parents that they cant smack a kid up side the head for fucking up so the kids push and push and get away with everything. Technology allows them to slack off and do what little they can to get by. Every kid has a cell phone and texts out their ass, thanks to technology and cluture, instead of using their heads and saving time by making a call to trash talk their friends in school. School is made easier so that “no child is left behind”, so they produce dumber kids. If they actualluy do their homework, instead of spending hours on AIM, myspace putting up whore pics, texting 10,000 messages a month or sitting on the coutch playing xbox, the ones that put effort into school, go to college along with the other slackers becasue now a days everyone has to go to college. they all get the same degrees. Now the job market is flooded with the same perspective employees, and odds are against the kid that worked hard and diserves the job.

I think the problems we face are rooted very deep. It is so much easier to change what is infront of you than change the root causes to prevent it from coming back. Heres a bail out check, instead of here is 30 of the countries best bussiness proccess improvment specialists who can help you not make this problem come back. Here is a pill or a shot in the arm to cure what you have, instead of here is what we have or what you can do to prevent you from getting ill. Its all just a band aid for society.