I think you’re missing my & hopefully most of their, points.
Your friend I assume was at one point a working citizen, hence the “can no longer work” part. That means her or she probably wasn’t on welfare, wasn’t begging for spare change, wasn’t mooching off the system, etc. Therefore in my eyes he or she FULLY QUALIFIES FOR THIS CARE, should have the ability to receive the care, I completely agree. But what I and I think everyone else is explaining it’s because of the “gold diggers”, social degenerates, and for lack of a better word complete fucking scumbags out there ass raping the community care systems for every dime, they are the ones that wont allow your friend to get proper care. I can double check but I dont remember stating, there shouldn’t be some sort of healthcare benefits for people in need. In fact that’s the complete opposite of what i think.
The bottom line is, drive down the shitty parts of cities and take a look around. Statistically speaking most of the people you will see, have their hand in the pot and are the people that could be killing your friend. I am sorry to be so blunt.
I have a heart for things, believe me i do. I lost family members to illness, I have friends scared for life from injury, and I have my own personal issues. When people fall on hard times, they rightfully so rely on assistance sometimes. But when people bring it upon themselves or disregard the thoughts, and well being of others or abuse systems in place for their own personal gain… I have no fucking problem putting my foot up their ass.