States beginning to Rebel against new Healtcare Policies


Well said. Do one to others as you would want done to you. there are many ways to express it. I like this one… “You want to act like a dick, you will get the shaft.” lol I just made that one up.

But it is true. Roll back the time and look at how a relationship is built between a husband and wife. At some point in their time they helped eachother or went out of their way to make the other feel welcomed and appreciated. They bonded and form a team because of it. They make babys and they follow their parents ways, that is a family full of morals, respect and contribute to the greater good for the world.

Simply reverse the actions and beliefs above and you will also reverse the 8th to last word in the sentence above. Thats just one simple example.

Life is really as simple as that.