States to be allowed to set their own fuel efficency standards

I like the idea of making all new cars more fuel efficient, and lowering our dependence on foreign oil. Why the hate from so many about this?

Because they are allowing them to move it to a state level decision. So now CA can say they allow X, NY allows Y, TX allows Z… It makes for a much more expensive manufacturing process.

Well wouldn’t you think they’d just make a one-size-fits-all? I think it’s about time the US had a kick in the ass like this…there’s no good reason why vehicles available today aren’t leaps and bounds better than they were 20 years ago (regarding fuel efficiency).

does this guy look like he knows what he is doing… so relax, it’s under control

lol halleleua, change is finally here

It’s in a irony called safety.

So you’re fine with CA saying, “lets set the standard at 50mpg”, and all other states having to pay for it even when they don’t want it?

Say goodbye to the majority of cars people like on this forum if that’s the case, or expect to pay monstrous fuel penalty taxes.

^ yup, this isn’t going to be good for enthusiasts, that’s for damned sure

Explain more please.

I’m also a bitt annoyed at things like why NYS has made it so difficult (still impossible?) to purchase a brand new diesel car here…it’s like this state is forcing us into options that aren’t the best available, yet other states don’t suffer.

If there is one state out there that raises the bar, and the automakers meet that, then I think that there’s a lot of good things that can come from that in regards to improving fuel economy.

I hear what you’re saying, and am not saying that I back this 100%. However, I still do think that there should be some pressure to lessen our dependency on foreign oil.

Cars don’t have to have a gas engine to be “cool”. Don’t get me wrong, I love the exhaust notes just as much as the next guy, but I think there’s a whole new world of motorsports out there that may not revolve around the gas engine.

Here’s a great idea to lessen our dependency on foreign oil: Drill for our own! In our own country!

Oh thats right the tree huggers and Obama wont let that happen because we might kill a few snakes in Alaska in the process.

or because we have about 6 drops :picard:

It’s funny that Joe supports this when his current ride is a TBSS and his last ride was a GTO. No way either of those vehicles would exist if CA gets their way with fuel economy standards.

I don’t imagine either of those are big sellers in California. I would suspect that if this bill passes, they would simply pull the vehicles out of that market.

On another note, SUV’s are subject to completely different standards than cars. I paid gas guzzler on my GTO that got 5 MPG better, but not on my SS. My truck might not even be impacted.

^ One of the things CA is proposing was eliminating the separate standards for cars and trucks.

And this isn’t just CA anymore. It’s 14 states. If they can’t sell a car in 14 states chances are they just aren’t going to make it.


^ What Joe does to a picture of Nancy Pelosi.

:mamoru: My grandpa listens to rush limbaugh and I overheard him today saying that a good form of contraceptive would be to put a picture of her face in every shitty motel room. I must admit I laughed.


People just repeat whatever they see/hear on Faux News or Rush Limbaugh.