Statutory Rape

So I’ve pretty much been wondering my whole life what the official rules were about statutory rape. Every time it gets brought up, I usually hear about thirty different opinions as to what constitutes these charges. Is their anyone on here who can untangle this mystery for me? Basically what I want is if you think you know, give some sort of credible reference or source.

statch is when somone over 17 bangs somone under 17 ,if under 17 they cant legally consent to ridin the older cock or pussy for that matter

isn’t there some 18->16 thing too?

haha… this is what i mean, they should seriously clarify this in high school

17 is consenting age both ways kid…porn is 18

Who cares, have sex with whoever you want

15 will get you 20

There is a 4 year “exclusionary” rule that “allows” you to have intercourse with that person if youre no more than 4yrs older. Id have to look it back up for more specifics.

thats what i was thinking.


why not just keep it in your age range then there is no problems

Bfol! :eek2

And people said I looked like a pedophile just because I had a beard.

This guy is actually trying to see how young of a girl he can fuck.

he has a “legal” girlfriend… don’t get too worried pjb


not in ny anymore homey:ninja

Yes I figured someone would make a comment like this, I simply just wanted to know because of the fact that it was just never explained.

thats what they all say

Id never need to know because Im not picking up young girls so Id have nothing to worry about.

Im too old for young girls.

Haha don’t worry man, im not a sick fuck trying to bone some 12 year olds… Im simply just wondering because im only nineteen and I wonder like if it would be illegal if someone my age had sex with like a 16 year old… thats not a ridiculous age gap.