OH MY GOD, we will definitely pray for your Gram…

What the fuck is going on with health care here in Pittsburgh?

I took my daughter (16 & deathly afraid of needles) down there (AGH) for a simple fucking cat-scan. They put the wrong size shunt in her arm and it couldn’t handle the pressure of the iodine injection, so it popped out of her vein and the iodine solution went into her arm. They had to have a specialist come in and give her about 30 or so more shots of some kind of crap that was supposed to break up the iodine solution and allow her body to absorb it. Then they had a plastic surgeon come in to see if “maybe they might have to cut her arm open and remove the iodine”.

I went there for a colonoscopy a few years ago and woke up in the middle of it. THANKS A FUCKING LOT FOR THAT ONE AGH!

I previously had always thought AGH was a good hospital as well.

I fucking hate UPMC because they basically killed my mother. She was in there for treatment and got some horrible blood infection that she never recovered from.

I don’t trust any of them any more.

Pittsburgh is supposed to have the most wonderful heath care???

I guess maybe if you are rich or famous???

I just don’t know…

where is this hospital located??

ya sounds similar to mercy

my mom was heated about the service i got in mercy, if it wasnt for my mom or friends being there i prob would have puked and pissed the bed cuz they were all to “BUSY” to come over to assist me… i remember the 2nd night when i got up in the morning i pushed the nurse button she yelled over sayn “were busy doing our morning reports” … i started flippin out…scream’n say’n them Fuck there reports with out me they would have a f’n report to fill out

when we got home i know my mom was email’n them and talkin wit a SW about the issue…but mine wasn’t as serious as urs tho

AGH is right on the north side. by fedaral street

Sorry to hear Lori

Lory I’m so sorry to hear that…

If you need anything just call me. She’s in my prayers.

Damn, that sounds awful! I’m pulling for you and your family. I really hope those nurses were actually busy and not just being lazy as the nursing profession is still stretched thin in a lot of places. The doctors, on the other hand, have no excuse.

If she gets well enough and your family wants to transfer to another hospital, let me know. My dad works at AVH in Natrona Heights and I’m sure he could recommend someone there.

I hope your family sues the every-loving-fuck out of AGH and wins…after your grandma comes home to a full and complete recovery, that is.

U know,i FUCKING HATE people like that and incompetint little fucking cunts who care nothing about the people and just the money they are making,as far as the doctors go…well phs…i have met two nice ones in my day out of god knows how many. If i was in ur situation i would of been in jail by now for bitch slapping those cunts n kicking the guys asses! File a suit or something with the admin of the hospital for negligence,do NOT let them get away with that! FUCKING LIL BITCH WANNA BE CUNT ASS NURSES!

Fuckin A…

GEEZ Devin…my goodness!!! Those words are a little rough…we get the point!

This girl’s family member is in serious medical danger because of some fucking worthless cocksucker’s incompetence, and you’re saying his words are a little “rough”!? WTF?

hope your gram is ok, i know the communication people at agh and if the nurses are on the same level of stupid, i feel for you

Hospitals are teh suck.
I hope everything turns out for the best though.
Some hospitals either let you sit out in the waiting room forever, when you have a real emergency.
Or they have that 30 minute rule, and they rush you through and do everything wrong.
Seems like she got the worst of doctors…I don’t know how they could do that…to have that on your concience that you let someone go through that because you didn’t want to go help. Sad sad people…

wow thats crazy…good luck with everything.she willl be in my thoughts and prayers.

Please…I think there are better ways to show your anger than cussing like a sailor. Its obvious this is a bad situation…It has nothing to do with this girl and her family member. I myself, hope the best in my post it says that. And I personally know devin and was messing with him…get real dude!

Play nice now…:itr41:

Thanks everyone please stilll keep her in yours prayers and pray hard. she isnt out of the woods as they say it yet… And it gets worse for us because that fucking place is tryign to blame my dad for what happend to her… those nurses and doctors on the death floor are trying to cover their ass’s well i dotn think so. They are saying he has been depriving her of her medicines. My dad has lost 20 pounds in 6 weeks caring for her and he has to give her a shot daily and he is afraid of needless but he does for her. As a matter of fact my dad brought all the medicines to the hospital with all of paperwork of what she takes when and what she is allergic to.
This is uttter bullshit he is in bad shape from all this stress and they try and blame him… oh and the securty follows us around the hospital for who knows what or why. I can prove all her meds were giving just these assholes wait till i get there today.
i hope they diaf

so sorry to hear… she will be in my prayers.

lets take Devin with us :bigthumb:

i would say myself on a war path -all better take cover…
im so mad and hurt its not even funny and now they just informed us from the mri that she has endured a mini stroke… just please tell me how how how how you could hurt anyone like this… she would have been better off if we never went there i guarantee it. actually if we didnt fight and i didnt stay at her side id have lost one of the most important people in my life way to early. yes she is 87 and its an age to prepare but if you met her and seen how she is its not her time she was healthy and happy and completely competent. God please save her!!

Wow…I’m sorry…that’s about all I can say. Absolutely terrible.

Just asking for big prayers we are in need of a miracle to save her. Her condition has taken a turn for the worse.