wow,im real sorry to here,we will be praying!

Lory, I hope everything works out for the best…your Grandma’s health and recovery first and foremost.

you should change the title of this to stay away from agh PERIOD…if they are that piss poor on the weekends they can’t be much better buring weekdays…thats messed up and i’m sorry to hear about your grams…she is a soldier for pulling through all of that though
i just took a look at this last page and i’m sorry to hear that her condition has gotten worse…God knows what he is doing…nobody is ever prepared to lose a loved one and it never seems fair when we do…whatever the outcome may be just remember that God never gives you an obstacle that you can’t overcome

If I were you, I would have her transferred out of AGH and over to Presby or Shadyside. I hope she recovers and I will be praying for her :grouphug:

she finally got the port she was needing last night and they put her on dialysis again last night. so hopefully that is a positive sign that they are giving her hwat she was origionally there for

Hopefully she will start to recover since she is getting dialysis again now, renal patients can get pretty sick if they go without dialysis.

She is having more seizures now and is on even more sediation medicine and they cant figure out now why her blood pressure is too high.
We have been given a small glimmer of hope… yes but they are doing everything they can but we have now been prepared for the worse. Because the strokes my have caused so much damage that she may never wake up>
Just pray we need a miracle… im not givng up but im exhausted 12hs of sleep in 5 days and workign with Kindergartners all day… im BEAT… AND LOSING STRENGH.

sorry to hear about whats happening, but the nurses at AGH don’t give a shit about anything, all they do is bitch bitch bitch about anything and everything. If you didn’t want to care for people then gtfo of the hospital.

Sorry to hear Lori

Sorry to hear, prayers still with your grandma, and your family.

wow i hope she pulls through

Never give up, never lose hope.
She will make it.

update. she did open her eyes yesterday

I’m glad to hear that this is taking a turn for the positive. Keep your chin up!

thats great to hear ! u guys are still in our thoughts & prayers !

keep is updated as much as possible

she is a fighter. She has opened her eyes her right side has been affected. However she is constantly moving her feet. I woke her she looked right at me and i asked her to pick her left hand up and give me a thumbs up and she did!! WOW the doctors said that is a great sign she can complete commands. now they are workign her off the respirator… We truly are blessed right now but she has a lot of work a head of her so keep the prayers going please. GO GRAM!

wow,thats greatv to here!

Whew…very relieving…I was dreading opening this thread…

Two thoughts:

  1. Great to hear she’s making it!
  2. Investigate legal action against AGH.