Whats taht supposed to mean?:smiley:

And i am very glad to hear things are on the right path!

Thanksā€¦ and we are already with an attorney cause this was complete bullshit and NEGLECT!

That is awesome! The power of prayer! Now go get those assholes! Sue big time!

Great to hear!!! Keep us updated!

Now she is off the respirator and breathing on her ownā€¦ nurses and doctors cant believe itā€¦ its a miracle it really isā€¦ nurses for over 15 years are in shockā€¦ in the condition she was isā€¦ she shouldnt have woken up! Thank you god!!! Keep the prayers that she makes a full recovery!!
thanks everyone for praying!!

great news!!! still praying

wow great to hear


Thatā€™s awesome!

Donā€™t forget to make them pay for what they did in the first place! :slight_smile:

well everything is like one step forward and 2 big steps backā€¦ One day she is doign well and the next she cant open her eyesā€¦ However i got her goiing again and i told her she has to talk because im Relentless she has to talk againā€¦ She spoke today to my father and answered Yes to his question that she does know who he isā€¦ So we are getting there I prayā€¦
The hospital still hasnt gotten back to us in over a week know about what will be done in regards to what happend. assholesā€¦

My Gram has woken up and is doing well at moment however she has suffered brain damages from the strokesā€¦ she doesnt know time or place or where she isā€¦ its reallly sad she fought all that and now dont know who we are or who she even isā€¦ Keep praying because we have had one miracle ā€¦ just need her mind backā€¦
Fuck AGH!!!

Iā€™m really sorryā€¦

Sorry to hear hon. Big hugs, keep your spirits up! At least you can still be there for her. And get some lawyers on the trail asap!!!