STAY AWAY FROM DL Motorsports Burlington

Haha! I used to co-op at DL Motorsports back in highschool. Brought my brothers MR2 there to sort some things out… car came out of the shop running just as poorly as when it went in and he still charged my brother $400 for the few hours he spent on it.

I stopped showing up soon after that ordeal. The guy who runs it is a bit of a dick and doesn’t seem to get much done. Just about all the cars in the shop just sat there collecting dust in the 5-6 months I co-op’d there.

Nah man She has Eagle Rods ass and Cp pistions I think The shop got them for 260 taxes in shipped to the door. Those where so cheap 80 bucks a pieace.

and forgot to write head work port polish and bigger values

lol at the greg quirke comment. is he still at pur? i think everyone here knows how i feel about pur.

my question to the op and everyone on here for that matter: what tuners in this area are actually certified tuners? i’m going to hazard a guess that less than a handful are actually certified to do tuning. most guys doing tuning probably have learned it themselves by trial and error without any real training or schooling for it.

my next question is, if you had a choice to go to a certified tuner vs a self taught tuner, which would you choose? there is absolutely no reason to go to a self taught tuner over a certified one imo.

I didn’t know there was a governing body that offered training in tuning. Where do people go to formally learn how to tune a car? The way I have noticed it being done in day, Japan for example, is more of a senpai kouhi relationship, or like an apprenticeship if you will. At best these top level tuners were mechanical engineers.
You have guys like Mr.Yokohama whom were high school drop outs. He dropped out. Worked construction for a few hears, then becAme a sushi chef. In the mean time he developed a love of cars and started bringing his cars to other garages for work. He was dissastisfied with the work and started doing his own. This led to Garage Fukui which was a fucking shack. That shack turned into Phoenix’s Power, the highest grossing tuning shop on all of Japan. They are one of the premier tuning shops in Japan, and guess who is at the forefront of it all? Mr.Yokohama, the high school drop out who now is a top tuner in Japan.

I would trust my car with Mr. Yokoyyama over any formally trained tuner. Fuck, I may even let him touch my car over Eric Hsu from XS Engineering. There’s a reason why Phoenix’s Power in bumfuck Fukui is running shit. They are outdoing Top Secret, Suivax, Kazama, Bee-R, Signal, K-Style. The list goes on.

There is such a thing as tuner certification, they are certified by the companies that make the EMSs. Ask Dan here, he’s certified by a bunch of them, I remember when he was doing the courses and tests for some of them.

i would go to an uncertified tuner who has a lot of experience with my engine rather than someone who has $$ to pay for a tuners licence.

Why not get both? I think all of the really big tuners that take their jobs seriously, would spend the time and $ and get certified.

44 pulls LOL what a joke!!

mods can we have a sticky thread regarding bad customer service from shops, it will help the comunity.

Ah, so it’s company specific. Read a book, take a test, receive a certificate that says Joh Wayan Is qualified to tune with EMS. I had to do some shite like that in an unrelated field. There still isn’t a specific governing body that looks over tuning on a broader scale. You can’t exactly go to school to learn to tune a car. That means anyone can take a test and become as qualified as a tuner could be on paper?

Usually these tests are a few hundred tops. I

Well, I’m not sure what they entail, but I’m pretty sure Dan could chime in. I don’t know if there are any others on this forum that have certs, maybe Sasha as well?

Other than being an automotive engineer, there is no formally recognized accreditation for someone that does EFI tuning.

That being said, there are a number of ways to learn and there are a number of ways to sharpen your skills responsibly. And while I think hands-on training is very valuable, simply buying a dyno and doing some WOT pulls on customers car does not fall into that category in my opinion.

I personally have spent $10+ grand on various training courses and materials. I’ve travelled all over the US to get instruction from some of the best in the business and have continued to do that for the last five years…and will continue to do that for years to come.

If any of you are interested in EFI tuning I’d recomend two resources.

EFI University (
EFI Tuning Technologies (

sure there is, you even make mention of it:

i’d go to someone who is certified there rather than just certified to tune on a particular stand alone like aem or greddy, etc. to get certified for those, it is almost as easy to actually buy the product.

phew i just go to my friends shop call ASPEC :smiley:

free shop time cant go wrong. can we all say sponser ship :smiley:

yeah boy im big!!! havnt even hit a first track day yet but already got my self a sponser :smiley:

and yeah retired tunner junk there knows what to do with standalone so yeah i love my shop :smiley:

Hahaha, I think were talking about something a bit more structured/formal than the certification you can get from EFI University. Their ceritification is simply a measurement to their standards. It is not governed, nor regulated and as someone that has completed a good number of EFI101 courses, I can tell you this certification is nothing more than a marketing tactic to drive people to take more courses.

One can take the EFI101 ACP course and in 5 Days be a “certified” tuner. Do you honestly think a person with 5 days experience can do a good job?

Don’t get me wrong, EFI101 courses are actually very good and I don’t regret spending some of my money there, but their certification doesn’t really say all that much.

My only certification are the trophies on the walls bitches

Love you Bings!

Bahahahahahahahaha…fuking priceless

I totally agree with Bing…

WELL PUT MY FRIEND!!! …welllllllllllllll put!