STAY AWAY FROM DL Motorsports Burlington

Hey just thought I would post up about this shop in Burlington Ont. They guy plays off like he knows what he is talkin about which he prolly does, Then he starts to Lead you in with a Hp number you want Then like 2 to 3 weeks later says Nope it can only do this. Then a month later even less power and blah blah Then tells you he has not even have time to get the bill together blah blah blah The parts he bought me or told me to go with would make the numbers and They do but for some reason he just can’t get it blah blah blah Long story short He put it in my bum he had my car for Almost 6 months and took me going there myself and doing shit my self to get the car done. I found 2 more forms sayin the same shit.
Number 2
I found more as well but ya. Stay away he did 44 Dyno pulls to get 310 out of my car.

Went to another shop and did some fixin and put the right parts on And BAM 486hp Like WTF lol

Benson’s old car has 486hp now?

and a non-sil front?


486 hp??? what car is this?

WOW…that sounds so familiar!!!

i had the exact same experience at Pur Automotive where the “manager”, Greg Quirk whose a fucking washed-up former hot tub salesman, promised me all sorts of shit but he never delivered the final product.

i think a lot of us deal with shady shops and mechanics, but I’m a firm believer in karma, they will get theirs one day.

we should have a sticky with bad experiences on local shops sons members use. Very important id say and gives you some insight from son on good and bad work done from shops.

^ +1

i would hate to see anyone else get screwed over the way i did

Do it yourself, or dont do it at all.

Tag racecraft mel and tiqui are the ONLY people i would let touch my car

i dont understand why you even went there?

You have unlimited access to the best of the best in the region through this forum and you decided to trust some hack?

as much as the guy sucks, it is as much your fault for not going to a well reputed and experienced shop…

I can definately testify to shops screwing customers with no grease lol. thats why i do most of my stuff myself.

like chuckles said i do believe in karma…what goes around comes around twice as bad…

the shops on this forum have all been vouched for tons, i can vouch for most of them put some trust in them and you wont be disappointed, best decision i made was takin my car to sg, plain and simple

i completely agree with Bing. If you ask anyone with a dyno, or any tuner who ACTUALLY tunes cars… they will tell you that a car that is TUNED and makes 310hp will not just make 486hp on another dyno because of little adjustments. Something WAS and must have been terribly wrong, and the car was not tuned at all… there is no such thing as a weak, or shitty tune… a car is either tuned, or un-tuned… that’s the way i see it

I don’t believe someone would run a car 44 times if the car just needed to be TUNED… that’s just B.S - tuning is the last step in the build process and cars should not see the dyno until they are ready to hit the street because of situations just like this -

im sure there is more to the story which we are missing ie: car had more issues, un co-operation between 2 parties, knowing when to get out ? i dont know just my opinion, if you were charged a regular hourly dyno time rate… you would have paid near $5000 dollars to get that thing tuned lol, 44 pulls with proper cool down and diagnostic would take a hell of a long time lol

Got the files to Prove that we did 44 Pulls to get 310 He didn’t listen to me when i said i need a screamer pipe in order to get the boost the the T2 gt3071.r I wanted a top mount he Insured me this would be fine. I pulled out after he almost melted down my motor and After all this bs He told me That i was the first SR he worked on. Shaddy Guy told me he works on them all the time. Reason i went to him in the first place was cause he is a family freind I guess this is how you treat friends. We changed the turbo to the one i wanted and changed the Cams to TDC.

friends and business is like oil and water they dont mix.never have never will…

Learned that the hard way.

Did you recoup some of those losses? Sounds like this fellow took you for quite the ride. 310hp is a number that guys have been getting in their backyard. You said you had to put in some different parts, so he installed a completely different part than you wanted and stuck you with the bill? Some guys in business just don’t care. They start fly-by-night shops, fuck a bunch of people out of money, close up and run, open a new shop, rinse and repeat. Every service industry has them, and the purportraitors always seem to greet you with smiles on their faces, a clean put together look, and their shit in order…until they’ve got your money. Or in this case, your car.

On the brightside, 486hp. If that’s a 240, holy blast-the-ass-out power son! you’ve got a nice demon there. I’d murder that demon out and call it The Angel of Death or something haha. Man, your car has me stoked. Congrats, you deserve it.

ok i gotta know, are you running 486hp on stock internals? if so, id say turn it down a bit. lol just curious…

I agree with Nate… anything over 300 and I’d turn it down a little.

Dyno sheet of 486 hp. I find that very hard to believe.

wat? 300hp on stock internals? i do that daily. 350 is the pushing limits and thats only headgasket/studs in my world. some people love to be safer but fuck that. im pushing this bitch till she blows and she is not showing any signs yet.

anyways, more people should spread the word on sg…ha what a plug!!
BUT YOUR SHIT WILL RUN AND GO FAST. and be reliable might I add.

agree with you completely on that… id say 400hp is max for sr stock internals. with a good metal headgasket.