split fire auto STAY AWAY!!

found out that these guys are buliding peoples engines and then having them stolen back! the owner there that had the 9 second civic last week at cscs is a crook and involved with the wrong type of people, my friend is living proof has he had his motor bulit from them and days later they tried to steel his car but he came out with a bunch of his boys ready to crack some heads open. even if you take off your plates they will cheek the vin on your car and trace it to your house or apt, the only way is to jyust send them your motor but i would want nothing to do with criminal scum like that!

Well this is a whole new level of low. I know the guys there but have never used them for any work hearing of other shady stuff. You get mixed reports because they are capable of doing good work but then they allegedly do stuff like above.

Disclaimer: Not all Trinis are like that ok.

Wow that shit cray!

this makes me want to talk about my shitty experience w/ mt motorsport


that fat fuck matt is a HACK JOB
loading maps off the internet
shitty soldering jobs, a 9 year old could do better…
etc,etc,etc,etc, HACK

It’s to bad sg closed down now there’s just to many criminals out there ready to fuck you

i heard pauls shop has been doing this since the late 90’s but i never had any proof…
every time i see him he looks so shady
rated r back in the day used to do that kinda shit
now a days people cant have nice things best way to keep your car is in the garage locked down where the garage cant be opened from outside but at the end of the day if they want it they get it.

wow… and i used to dream of building my car from split fire… lucky im currently a broke ass lolololol

oh god, here we go… this thread should just be stopped before it gets out of hand.

If you are going to take your car to a shop, do you research first, and don’t spread rumors about someone unless you have solid proof they did something like this. I’ve known Paul for 10 years and I don’t feel hes a crook or a hack. You get what you pay for, that’s that.

HOW YUH SO LIE SKUNT!! lol… joking!!

Honestly, Paul is a good guy that knows his stuff. He does a lot of work and has a lot of happy customers. If you have his sticker on your car you (may) become a target because of his rep of doing fast cars. So its not him or employees of his business directly. You just a target for people that know the work “SPLITFIRE” produces (get what I am trying to say).

I say he a straight up guy till somebody comes with HARD proof with photos, DNA, or caught red handed!

PS: THANK GOD BLACK FOLKS NOT GETTING BLAMED PHEWWWWW… getting killed first in movies is bad enuff!! lol

so he saw paul or some guy from his shop?
im guessing he went to cscs? maybe someone followed him from there?
i still dont trust paul

Nitescrean are you guyanese or something?

holly for nitescream is back? lololol

still in public chat is bad for the club…

defamation comes to mind…


still in public chat is bad for the club…

defamation comes to mind…


Not so much as ‘stay away’ as ‘be smart with the shop that you go to’

You gotta be comfortable with the shop and make sure on your own accord, whether or not they are doing the job correctly, and also, whether or not you are satisfied.

If you’re not happy. Don’t go again, but you don’t need to flame them online. That’s ‘trolling’

The only thing that I would say about MT motorsport is that I had a poor experience with them and I am never going back.
That’s just about enough for anyone considering working with them.

The details, are irrelevant.

Oppa gangnam style?

No, I am a black man!! :slight_smile:

I come a lookin time to time! lol.

True story, LOL

I am