Remember that stolen NSX from a few months ago?

quoted from

Taken from the Magnus Facebook page
“The NSX that was Stolen from our shop 2 months ago has been found chopped to pieces, in a Home Garage about 2km from our shop. RUCKUS MOTORSPORTS and their associates have been arrested by the Police. They operate a shop about 6kms from our location. I have absolutely no remorse for what will happen to these individuals who committed this crime. One minute they are your buddies, next minute they are stealing your car and cutting it to pieces to probably to fund their failed attempt at a drag racing hobby. What does this say about our hobby and profession, when people can steal something that someone has poured their hard work and soul into for their own greed. Has your car been stolen? I’d check with them. Please share this with with everyone you know”

Heres a link to the scumbags webpage.
Rukus Motorsports: Welcome to Rukus Motorsports

Fucking Disgusting.

Damn that’s so depressing to hear that there are shops that still operate with such thievery. I hope they go out of business for that bullshit.

I hope that somebody will post pictures of these individuals


that would be such a wonderful thing…
so we know who those douchbags are. =)

Yup just like I pictured them to look like xD

Im surprised they were even smart enough to pull something like that off

The Shocker strikes again…

where you least expect it

fukk those guys.

they look like a legit group of gentlemen.


You can never trust peoples because they will lie and envy you.

Hey!! The pictures up of those white guys are NOT the owners! The onwers are brown guys. So dont post pics of random white guys that go to the shop!

epic white trash

I hope they get man handled in prison. They’re so skinny they’ll be someone’s bitch for sure haha


lol at wrong pics

its actually 2 brown brothers that own the shop. Ive been there a few times back in the day because my buddy used them to fix his civic. I knew they were crooks, but then i saw this and LOLd hard.

these are the owners…

and 2nd from the left…

Shitty Deal.


soo…are we laughing because they are brown or are we laughing because they are scrawny and pathetic looking? or BOTH lolll

it better be just cause their scrawny and pathetic looking. lol cause im brown too