Reposting off RPA so word gets around. For those wondering NHSCC (North Park) is a few days shy of bringing out their schedule and i’ll post that here also. All of the SCCA races are to run on beaverun’s VDA. If I had to pick a weekend outta this schedule, i’d say shoot for events 4 & 5. Money from that event goes to the charities for the Pittsburgh Vintage Gran Prix. Plus there is usually free stuff involved, a massive dinner saturday night, trophies, and all the old american V8 road racers running around beaveruns north track.
April 15th (Saturday) Test and Tune #1
May 6th (Saturday) SCR Event #1
May 13th (Saturday) SCR Event #2
May 20,21 (Saturday, Sunday) Evo School Weekend
June 11th (Sunday) Event #3
July 8th,9th (Saturday, Sunday) PVGP Autocross (Events #4 & #5)
July 15th (Saturday), Test and Tune #2
July 29th,30th (Saturday, Sunday) Events #6
August 13th (Sunday) Event #8
September 2nd (Saturday) Test and Tune #3
September 3rd (Sunday) Event #9
October 8th (Sunday) Event #10