2009 NHSCC & SCR autocross schedule!

Consolidating this bitch into one big schedule. The NHSCC drivers school is the first event of the year, all are welcome. All you need is a SN95 or higher helmet, drivers license, and a car that can stand a little fun. Steel Cities is running several events this year at both Beaverun (BR) & Consol Energy Park (CEP) in Washington PA. Also listed are the Evolution Performance driving school & the Steel Cities Time Trials on the Wilson Circuit & North Track (pending).

March 29 - NHSCC Drivers School & Test n Tune

April 5 - NHSCC Event #1 North Park
April 19 - NHSCC Event #2 North Park
April 26 - NHSCC Event #3 North Park

May 17 - NHSCC Event #4 North Park Huntingtons Disease Benefit
May 23 - Steel Cities SCCA BR TnT#1
May 24 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #1
May 30 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Evolution School Phase 1
May 31 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Evolution School Phase 2

June 6 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Wilson Circuit Club Trial
June 7 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #2

July 11 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #3 PVGP
July 12 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #4 PVGP

August 15 - Steel Cities SCCA CEP Event #5
August 16 - Steel Cities SCCA CEP Event #6
August 29 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #7
August 30 - Steel Cities SCCA BR Event #8

Sept 13 - NHSCC Event #5 North Park
Sept 20 - NHSCC Event #6 North Park
Sept 27 - NHSCC Alternate Date

October 4 - NHSCC Autumn Leaf Event #7 North Park
October 10 - Steel Cities SCCA CEP Event #9
October 11 - Steel Cities SCCA CEP Event #10
October 18 - NHSCC Event #8 North Park

North Hills Sports Car Club

Steel Cities SCCA

Evolution Performance driving school

I guess the April 5th event will be the break in for the new build. Besides I can’t miss your scrawny arms fighting AWD powaaaaaa.


did Chris get another car :dunno:

Co-driving an EVO courtsey of the Gaust’s.

I’ll probably have the civic at most the North Park events to beat on ricers (like Steve) and the Time Trial stuff. But for the Steel Cities events I’m driving a friend’s Evo with more power than all the cars I’ve ever owned combined. The Evo will be on hoosiers this year also. Should be fun watching me scream like a bitch trying to control that thing lol.

^^^pffft. The only thing you beat on keeps you from rolling out of bed in the morning. :bowrofl:

Do you know how much the wilson cicuit will cost for that time trial event?

hopefully I will make it to at least one this year since I live a whopping 10 minutes away now. The 240 might be a little crazy with the increased power so I would probably rock the jetta.

no, the 240 is definitely the correct choice.

haha… I had a tough time keeping it straight with 300hp! 400 would be insane. If you do a drag start then it could be hilarious!

I don’t think Chris meant fun for you, it’d be fun to watch you swap ends a few times though.

Woops I forgot to add the NHSCC drivers school is March 29th!!! You’ll get a good bit of seat time & one on one instruction. Registration opens at 8:30 PM. School starts @10:30AM. Equipment requirements are a M95 helmet or newer. Vehicle, licensed and PA state inspectable (current PA sticker req for all PA licensed cars). Must be safe and pass tech inspection at the event. Numbers, visible car and class numbers req at all of our events, numbers and class markings at least 8" tall, numbers and car color should contrast. Participants need a valid drivers license and need to be 18 years of age or older or 16 years old with a parent at the event and signed a minor waver.

Whitey, be a hero and run that bitch at 400hp. I can tell you almost for certian that the April 26th event at North Park will have a drag start. That’s the event done by the vette guys and their signature course design always involves a straight from one side of the lot to the other lol. April 19th is also high HP friendly, that’s the supercharged miata guys doing that course.

Falloutpunk - The Wilson TT price usually falls between $75 and $125 depending if we use beaverun’s course workers or not. I don’t think that decision has been made yet. We did the extra cost of having beaverun’s workers stand out on the course last year and it was nice to do your laps then come in and sit around off for awhile.

I will be there with Tyger on Sunday… looking to be a little wet… 3600 Stall + Rain + n00b = lulz

:bigthumb: Don’t sweat the rain too much, it will probably come & go. It does help if you have a spare rubbermaid container to keep your stuff nice and dry. Make sure you leave the NO2 at home as well. Only saying that because even in the pits it risk a chance of being backed over. Hell I think it was Dan a few years ago who backed over someones oil bottle hehe.

Shouldnt have too much stuff with me, I will be bumming air compressor and torque wrench from Dan.

prob just me and the car :smiley:

I gotta remember to take the N2O bottle out :nono:

Had an awesome time today, only lost control of the Goat once, lol.

Good to see whitey keeping tabs on whats going on out there, new pup in tow. :slight_smile:

SK360 sorry I didn’t get a chance to introduce myself. I thought I’d have a chance to maybe hop in your car during the instruction session (previous years we always swapped instructors), but that didn’t happen and I spent the rest of my time in the Evo or the rain. Glad to see so many GTO’s came out. Dan was telling me about how if he went drag racing you’d have to come out haha. I got to hear yours pull away a few times it sounded damn good!

Haha its cool, I did get to see you draw a chalk line like an Azn broad tho.

Jeremy was having too much fun riding shotgun so we just ran like that for most of the instruction :smiley:

We all had a blast today, and I heard Dan say he would come to more drag days, and he may have heard me say I would come to more parking lot racing days :slight_smile:

Some video that Dan took of the GTO’s in instruction
[ame=“http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x4JLPp_4uPw&fmt=18”]YouTube - Pittsburgh Area GTO’s at NHSCC Drivers School[/ame]

and thanks for the comments on the exhaust, it is sorta a new setup for me and have not really heard it from outside of the car yet… I know it got pretty raspy when we removed the cats tho.

Yea I saw you had Jeremy so I figured you were in good hands. If I may make a suggestion, a good date to aim for would be April 26th at North Park. Reason being it will hopefully not have sucky weather. And the course is designed by the corvette duo of Terry Nickell & Dave Stoner (you probably saw Terry today, he’s the club president driving the yellow C4). But pretty much every year we have a drag start with their course. The full distance from the upper starting point by the grass out to the other side of the lot. I’ll probably dump the civic for the Evo again that day lol.