So I need a very small piece of steel fuel line to complete my fuel setup for the car.
The new fuel system goes like this:
Fuel tank -> OEM supply and return line -> Corvette FPR/Filter -> new supply only, hard line (short, 6" or less) -> new 3/8 high pressure rubber line (6" or less) -> existing BMW hard line to fuel rail etc etc.
The Corvette FPR/fuel filter accepts a 3/8 double bead quick disconnect “fuel repair line” on the fuel output to the fuel rail. A short (roughly 4-6 inch) hard line is required to go from the output of the C5 FPR to the BMW hard line.
I bought this at our fine local auto parts stores. 12" long, too long by far.
Output of the FPR accepts this end:
I don’t know a goddamn thing about flaring/beading lines, so bear with me, but can someone put a new bead on the line if I cut it down, or is there an existing aftermarket hard line that’s 4-6" long?
I was at Swerve picking up some tires for heaters this summer, and stopped at Ferry’s. They flared the end for me. I thought I needed a bead put on the line, but since I was only slipping a rubber line over the end and clamping it down, not using a quick disconnect on that end, it just needed a flare. Learn something new every day. Thanks to all.