heinz is an amazing player, he understands the game so well that he is just so dominant on the field. When he hurtled that guy just for an extra 4 yards i was in aw. He just plays the game so well.
and for those that think maddox is coming back, ehhh. He can’t pick up a ball for 6 weeks. And once he does that they are not sure how bad his arm will be. so say 6 weeks are lossed here then another 2 maybe to get him back in shape. that puts us soooo late in the season. he realized in the beginning of the season that his days were numbered when ben was signed.
Maddox will be back as the starter, mark my word. I think it would be best to let Roethlisberger play the rest of the season, taht way he would be ready to go next year and maybe have a chance at winning the division, but Cowher wont do that… He’s proved in the past that he doesn’t allow injuries to cost someone their job. Maddox will be back starting as soon as he is fit to throw, probably somewhere around week 9 or 10.
No, he got it because Kordell was fucking horrible. The injury was just the nail in the coffin. Maddox was playing absolutely fine before he got hurt, and Cowher won’t allow an injury to supplant a starter.
i totally agree that tommy maddox will get his job back this year but next year is lookin doubtful. i think he realizes that his role in the next few years will be to help develop ben into a NFL QB. why the fuck wouldnt you take millions of dollars to just to be a back up and not do much. its not even like his body will take any wear and tear. QBs dont get hit but in games and its unlikely that he will see much action as the backup! better than sellin insurance or playing in the arena leagues!