Steering Rack/Tie Rods

I had one but my mutt ate it lol…along with my work boots.

brandon ill be game to give you a hand, pm me if you want the help

Thanks for the offer Mike… I’m picking up the Haynes manual and steering rack from Jskrapper at NAPA Monday, and when I get a chance to take a look in the manual I’ll know what I need, and if I need help. I’ll post up if I need an extra set of hands or 2…

I’ll be doing this Monday-Wednesday… then an alignment…

And will supply beer, pizza, pop etc… if I have you guys over…

Thanks :tup:

I’ll post up Monday when I get the manual.

just be careful when u disconnect the power steeing lines. it also will get real messy so be prepaired. u will want another set of hands though

thats all you had to say, i will be there :lol:


That’s IF I let you crazy mofos over to my house. :mamoru: