lock this failure already

ban me!

love 540guy




:lol: :word: this thread’s a fucking shit show.

i got a headache after the first page. i’ll come back and finish this later.

i just skimmed through the rest of this. there need to be some serious bans in this thread. some of this shit will cause nothing but problems in the long run.


i just skimmed through the rest of this. there need to be some serious bans in this thread. some of this shit will cause nothing but problems in the long run.


90% of the shit that happened is now resolved.

i don’t hate anybody here because i don’t know them well enough to have a reason to hate them. thats all i’m saying.

leave the past in the past and let this thread die…since the mods won’t close it.

well in that case geordi has to get in again!!!


90% of the shit that happened is now resolved.

i don’t hate anybody here because i don’t know them well enough to have a reason to hate them. thats all i’m saying.

leave the past in the past and let this thread die…since the mods won’t close it.


i’m not saying this is you personally, so don’t take this as a personal attack.

people pulling this shit makes you guys look like idiots. most of you guys are good people in person, but act like retards online and act like retards when it comes to racing. fighting about this bullshit online makes you look like bigger retards. resolved or not, you still looked like retards for 4 pages. making serious threats online is dumb. act your damn age. you’re not 12.

Making this thread in general was dumb. Just reading the title you should be able to realize it was dumb. 95lxbird said it good, “there was no need for anymore than 3 cars there.”


i’m not saying this is you personally, so don’t take this as a personal attack.

people pulling this shit makes you guys look like idiots. most of you guys are good people in person, but act like retards online and act like retards when it comes to racing. fighting about this bullshit online makes you look like bigger retards. resolved or not, you still looked like retards for 4 pages. making serious threats online is dumb. act your damn age. you’re not 12.


i figured you didnt mean it to me personally. It’s all good.


i’m not saying this is you personally, so don’t take this as a personal attack.

people pulling this shit makes you guys look like idiots. most of you guys are good people in person, but act like a retard online and act like a retard when it comes to racing. fighting about this bullshit online makes you look like a bigger retard. resolved or not, you still looked retarded for 4 pages. making serious threats online is dumb. act your damn age. you’re not 12.


Fix it for ya.

Like I said before.No need for more than 3 cars there.It wasn’t suppose to be a live show.Only cars needed were the cars racing and a camera car.We didn’t need the screaming audience that was there.

Can we please get lock on this. My head hurts from the massive rush of retardation provided by the thread.


i’m not saying this is you personally, so don’t take this as a personal attack.

people pulling this shit makes you guys look like idiots. most of you guys are good people in person, but act like retards online and act like retards when it comes to racing. fighting about this bullshit online makes you look like bigger retards. resolved or not, you still looked like retards for 4 pages. making serious threats online is dumb. act your damn age. you’re not 12.


:clap: smartest thing ive ever read on this website…although thats not saying much i guess.


Can we please get lock on this. My head hurts from the massive rush of retardation provided by the thread.


quit posting in it so it goes away?


:clap: smartest thing ive ever read on this website…although thats not saying much i guess.


high five!