Steve's low and slow project

Ive worked on a few of these trucks and nothing fits them like GM parts do. Fenders and hoods fit fine but grilles and bumpers dont.

Most other vehicles dont have any issues.

fuck government motors…ohh wait disregard that let me get a dodge with their front end b.s.

Like welded on fenders? Ram fenders, atleast '94-'01 are spot welded to the inner fenders and that makes replacing them a total pain in the cock.

bitch i seen you getting on I88. i was 2 cars behind in a yota pickup going to steves house. went to call you and relized that i dont have your number in my new phone. shoot me a text :slight_smile:

actually that grills off a blazer for your information

u jackass… i was on my way droppin of boy with girl name

well got the sub in that i got from frank… now the fucking idiot light is on yet again… can i not fucking win with this truck???

whats wrong now steve?

still throwing the random/multiple missfire code… it supposedly got fixed correctly last time… almost time to get rid of it

that sucks dude

does it do it at idle?

i doesnt missfire at all… it just keeps throwing the code

bagg it then sell it… bagging an s-10 is not hard but if you want it done the correct way my friend matt does it all the time his shop is platinum motoring in ballston spa on rt. 50

Hank on here, me and him already have a little idea going on :smiley:

I hope your idea is something totally different, becasue as mentioned by whitecivic 4 linked, bag over axle, s10’s are a dime a dozen… No pun intended.

I say giant ass air cyclinders in the rear canti 4 linked so that shit can lift 4 feet and you can three wheel it. :slight_smile:

or just be a fucking man and juice it.

he’s gonna supercharge it :wow:wow:wow

You need to part this thing out so I can just pickup the parts I need for my SS :wink:

fuck that lets put a v-8 in it like everyone else!!! (mild sarcasm)

To bad some of those 4.3’s are faster then those V8 swaps…