Steve's low and slow project


…neg rep eric…you fucks had a deal in which you broke…you word is worthless…

Mind your own fucking buisness douche. We didnt have a deal on me wiring his fucking entire truck for the past 4 weeks on myu days off, I only owed the damn kid $120. He rather me jerk myself off then take the damn cash. So don’t even stsrt with me on ths fuck around .

You don’t know me so :gtfo

LMAO, if i was paying someone cash out right to do the fucking wiring it would have been done, oh wait i already paid you and its still not done? hmmm? :retardclap


oh and u owed me 2 actually and 80 was for the trailer and u said u were doing the wiring for 1 because “its fucking easy” so idk why your bitching? you should be pissed @ yourself not me :thumbup:retardclap

So yea that would make it $120 :retardclap. I never said I would do that for $100. It’s a whole fucking truck not a damn radio. I was doing you a favor by helping you out. Now it just seems like your being a fucktard by acting like you can’t do anything without me. Plus I am not the one bitching about finishing it. I got this dick-lips saying that I am breaking a deal that we never had. There was no discussion on any amount that would be taking off, nor that I would charge you. You simply helped me out and I helped you out.

If this conversation needs to continue, PM me. Don’t waste Steves build thread on the shit!


jesus u 2… just make a deal or something

I can’t keep deals, as posted previously by someone that doesn’t know me :retardclap

Let me know if you want a 4x4 s10 for the winter :thumbup

pm me… its the one that was a mike’s right?

updated pics of my former POS?


except for the tails. its the same homo

new gate… etc.

well found out my misfiring issue…

what was up???..bad wires or sumthing???

no the spiders… the shit injection system the 4.3’s use

I thought your was TB? You have the same intake thats on my SS?

no fuel injected