I have the answer. It all started when i chipped my caliper and became a serious eye sore. i tried all sorts of gold paints and nothing was even close. I was then suggested maybe nail polish by my girlfriend. so i headed to Sallys Beauty store and found some nail polish. Went home, cleaned the caliper and …

i would say the closest match short of powder coating the caliper again.

the weapon of choice used against this eye sore…

Finger Paints
Gift of Gold

thought it may help any STi owners with chipped brembos.

go cover those calipers with mud you won’t see the chips

Take them to the track, so they change color like my evo Brownbo’s and you wont give a fuck anymore.



Take them to the track, so they change color like my evo Brownbo’s and you wont give a fuck anymore.



My red ones are chipped but like Jellar said, I’ll give it time and they’ll turn brown. Good info tho for those who dont track

i have seen a lot of the red brembos on EVOs go brown but never really seen the gold STi ones change much. maybe i just havent seen a hard tracked STi’s brakes up close yet.


Take them to the track, so they change color like my evo Brownbo’s and you wont give a fuck anymore.



good old TMP

I bet you looked fruity buying 10 shades of gold nail polish at SBS. :gay2:

lol i only bought one, but the look on her face when i asked which would match my eye color better was funny.


lol i only bought one, but the look on her face when i asked which would match my eye color better was funny.


Well played. Thanks for the info.


I have a tiny chip on mine that pisses me off

eh, mine are usually cover with brake dust, so I dont notice the chips :slight_smile:

but thats great ya gound a color thats close heh

dude… whos computer room is that? I am assuming yours and by that I must ask the question where did you get those switches that your monitor sits on, they have to be at least 10 years old…

I had a uncle with a monitor sitting on a switch box like that but they broke…


nice fix btw =) :tup:

lol i thought this would be some ricer thread about chipping an sti to help with braking abilities…

i mean, its still a ricer thread but…


lol i thought this would be some ricer thread about chipping an sti to help with braking abilities…

i mean, its still a ricer thread but…


lmao i was thinking the same, like brembo making a chip for the sti , till i read on.

what a honduh homo :slight_smile:

How long do you think it will last? I really doubt nail polish is designed for harsh conditions a brake caliper sees. Heat, brake dust, water, salt etc.

I give it a week or two max if the car is a DD.

its an enamel, it will last


How long do you think it will last? I really doubt nail polish is designed for harsh conditions a brake caliper sees. Heat, brake dust, water, salt etc.

I give it a week or two max if the car is a DD.


BS a touch of clear nail polish will double that.



How long do you think it will last? I really doubt nail polish is designed for harsh conditions a brake caliper sees. Heat, brake dust, water, salt etc.

I give it a week or two max if the car is a DD.


i have had it on for over a month. still holding up, with the heat, brake dust, and salt. enamel should bake itself right on to the caliper making hold up a a lot better then paint

and the computer is my dads.