Stick a fork in it, I'm done

o shit…what happened??? it was running strong when we had that cruise

rolleyes after yours is actually on the road, and survives more than a year or two. :stuck_out_tongue:

Balls, sorry to hear that

ok so your gonna support these claims based on 2 area rx7’s… theres fd’s with over 100k on them on the original motor, theres alot of factors that go into it. and fwiw my motor isn’t blown, i just have a perfectionist mechanic. my current motor has 10k on it and the original motor had 80k on it… i just hate hearing everyone say oh its a rotary it’s doomed. yes, they are more prone to detonation, but that doesn’t mean that can’t last…

edit i know your post was being more saracstic :stuck_out_tongue: so nothing against u personally haha

Don’t listen to Tom, he’s got a real bad case of the know-it-alls lately. Oddly enough, he doesn’t have a “car” of his own, just a daily driver. :gotme:


Offmph - sorry to hear - always sad to see another rotary blow… they can be fixed, we can make him stronger, faster, better…

u need to set up like a triple knock sensor system…does ur engine management do such a thing

well aint that the pot callin the kettle black…

These things are better to be argued about with rotary experts, not just people that hear things about knock, apex seals, and dowl pins. If you really want to discuss that sort of stuff go to a rotary forum, there are thousands of pages there for you to learn from.

In regards to my motor, I think it was just the motor that was bad. The first one I blew up was my fault (sort of), this second one was a crapshoot (I lost) Maybe third one’s a charm. If I get another motor it will be from Gotham Racing, from the same guy that tuned my car, because he’s willing to back it up with a warrantee for 3 years 36K. That’s long enough for my money.


No, I’m not full of bad comments. :wink: (You proved my point exactly)


Gotham Racing made the Batmobile by the way…

I do believe in the early ninteys wankle power was a dominant force in endurance racing, having few moving parts in a powerplant usually creates a more reliable package. thats sad to hear you just got the car back together.

You never said I was full of bad comments in the first place…

My point was that you were born with a bad case of the know-it-alls. Maybe thats why we get along so well :slight_smile:

BTW, I never claimed to know anything about rotaries other than what I have learned from you…

or maybe he knows alot about the motor thats is his particular car that he ownes…by the way i only know how rotaries work from thats it

You both need more butt love. And fast cars.

Which one of you wants to race me first?

I already smoked you.

ill smoke u next…thats for jack

Uh :gay:



Team Blown Engine

Xander = :jawdrop:3 Kills
AKA Ferrari = :shoot:2 Kills
Poopra = :headbang:1 Kill

damnit, i want to finish my car so i can join the club.