Stickers/Clothing other advertisement.

In order to promote interest in the club and just spread the word around, you guys need some advertising.

Besides the website some of the other great ideas have always been stickers for the cars (more then one design) and a good selection of Member Tshirts.

Og members can have their own rank and a special shirt, new members would have another color shirt and leaders could have the third.

Also some kind of cards you can set on cars that you like to try to recruit them or get them interested when the owner isn’t around.

ive got a hook up through my dads business i can get cards for PI… ill see about having a good amount made

That’s a start. Get a solid design and go over exactly what you want to be on it.

You guys need a meeting to get things started.

Im deff down for that so ill be back from charlotte on tuesday i think we should all go out somewhere for food on tuesday night for food and discuss EVERYTHING and get a solid design and everything for the cards and get that rolling becuase with that we can put there everywhere and on car windsheilds and what not…

Running a solid club is always exciting and rewarding for any enthusiast.

deff :nod

Just send out an email telling everybody to check in.

thank you sir

yes im def down as long as i dont start work tom ill meet tues night let me know!!! i like the card/ shirt/ sticker ideas we need someone who is good on computers to design a decal and bring it to the dinner so we can all throw in our ideas…

I want a hoodie! :tong