
who actually wants to be a billboard on wheels?. no point in advertising for a company unless ur actually sponsored or at least gettin a good deal on somethin. But hey all those cool cars in the movies have stickers…thus, all the ricers do too

thats like saying all guys who have painted black hoods on different color cars are ricers to

how the hell does that have anything to do with what i posted? and ya, if u have a CF hood, thats fine, but if u actually go out of ur way to paint ur hood black when the rest of ur car is a different color, ur a ricer.

this is the whole reason why ppl modify their cars. they want there cars to look different and cool. there is no reason to make this thread. if ppl likes sticker and want to put them on their cars then let them. it wont effect u nor anyone else if they do so… to other ppl they would say why would u even modify your car anyways and spend money on it when you can put a down payment on a house. its just for fun, its a hobby.

^^ makes sense, but still, if u are gunna modify ur car, why would u wanna look like every other ricer with ur stickers and black hood and bumble bee exhaust and mechanical spoiler, at least do somethin original or rare or different. i’d rather jack my 240 up and put swamp tires on it than rice it out with gay stickers and retarted shit. even the so called “jdm” is gettin old, its just a sales tactic now to put “jdm” before any part listing, the other day i was on ebay and i seen a listing for “JDM Euro tail lights” for a fukn cavalier. when will ppl learn that jdm means japanese domestic market. somethin is jdm if its actually made in japan and ONLY available for the japanese domestic market. hense, u have to ship it over from JAPAN, not walk into ur local performance shop and get it over the counter. now some places actually do ship stuff over in containers like but most are just idiots tryin to make money off the new fad. im just blabering now sorry, im just sick of ppl ruining things. but whatever, people will allways do what they want and make there cars look retarted, im actually kinda glad cuz it just makes the rest of us look better, so this whole babble was pointless…at least i got to vent.

i donno… i understand what your saying … but to me and you it looks stupid but to other ppl on the fourm it might look sick… what r u going to do stop everyone to not put stickers are their OWN car that they bought themselves? u cant soo it will never happen …

what an ignorant post.

yes we all modify cars to be different and cool… not for any performance gain of any kind that would benefit a driver greatly on the track.

YES of all reasons why people mod their cars its “to look cool.”


Stickers = More Horsepower … But only for Hondas.