still cant figure this out

ok so 2 years of owning my 97 thundercat, plugs fuel filter, air filter, all maintenance done, and a new battery

about a month ago i posted up how my old battery took a shit and i had to jump it all the time, this morning my bike was acting the same way

before i charged it, i used a meter to get the voltage and it was 12.6V so the battery had plenty of charge, threw the charger on for LITERALLY 10 seconds and got the battery to like 13.1V, tried starting it with the choke on NOTHING, when it doesnt start it makes a high pitched noise (no clicking as if the battery was dead)

fuel pump is clicking all lights are good no dimness or anything

turn the key back and forth a few times turn off the choke fires right up as if nothing was wrong, put the meter on the battery, stator is holding it at a wonderful 14.3V

i called kuntryquest cause i was kinda worried and from the looks of it he said it may be the starter relay, but i fear its more than that and probably will see him soon to look it over, even if its just the starter or something else goin bad i want to replace it

BTW, it only does this SOMETIMES, when the bike isnt used for about 2 weeks, and the battery doesnt drain unless i have some sort of loose connection or something??

took it to school today and ran great!


no clue, intermittent problems are always difficult to diagnose.

sounds like ignition related if it works after you fondle the key a bit.

what the fuck is your avatar?


if the wire is loose someplace, sometimes the extra boost from the charger with kick the relay. give me a shout tomorrow

Key switch is worn out.

Check your connections at both the battery and the starter relay, when you connected the charger you may have temporarily improved the loose connection.

Yea, what Jack said. I know that ignition switches are funny, sometimes they will work, sometimes they wont. I would start there.