stimulus check

i search that guys ssn at work and it comes up to him and a ton of other people that have tried to get things with his ssn. some with fake names and some with there real names. the only one i can remember is someone tried using the name gaylord focker lol


i have a number you can call to hopefully locate your stimulus check but unfortunately it is at work but i will pm it to you if you still need it tomorrow

was that really yours r u really that dumb cuz it took 2 secs to verify and for a 4.99 fee i can do an employment check and find out any other info u have address’ cars owned parents anything.

Have u never heard of identity theft? u basically just gave yours away rather then had someone steal it


That’d be sweet. THanx! :slight_smile:

yeah you dont know what kind of people are one here that could easily fuck you credit up before you could think about flagging your credit report. actually you should probably do that now that you gave your ssn away

Are you seriously that fucking dumb? Or are you trying to bait somebody so you can sue them too?

I need some of what you’re smoking, rj.

+1 i was just verifying to show u how easy it is but seriously i could have a credit card, new birth certificate, anything really just with that number. once i get a birth certificate i get a license with my picture, then maybe a job someplace i wanna rob and guess what its all on you. on top of that even if someone here would never do that themselves (too much risk) people pay good money for that info like thousands thats why id theft is so lucrative. DONT EVER DO THAT AGAIN… SERIOUSLY NEVER

and then you being a dumb fucking criminal you would get tossed in jail for fraud. Sure you could ruin his life. But hello felony on your record.

hence why i said it much easier to turn the info over to someone collect quick money and be done with it, if i was actually going to do this i wouldnt of posted anything up but nice try.

Oh BTW if you wanna fucking call me a dumb fucking anything say it to my face so you know who to be looking out for you dumb fuck. you know its been said before but you talk alot of shit behind a keyboard why dont you try to man up before you run your dick sucker to me.

felony shmelony

Only the first and third count anyways

quoted for awesomeness

seriously… is theres some angry water up in buffalo you guys are drinking today

for real…drama like woah today

hmm yes its called blue

Actually u gotta watch that ish. My Cousins dog was drinking the terlet H20 with the blue ish in it and now the dog’s all fucked up. Its blind has seizures and is growing cysts all over. So if anyone has blue shizzle in ur terlet and a dog keep the lid down.

What the hell is going on here?

i was actually referring to labatt :uhh: