Stimulus Payment Info.

Why don’t you guys step down off you pedestals for a while and roam around like the rest of us. I don’t understand how you make such assumptions based on what has been mentioned here. I am perfectly fine with how Fry explained it, doesn’t mean I like it, but it is the way it works (for the most part). For you guys to come off attacking me though says that no matter what I say you don’t care, you won’t consider it, and I am always wrong. And that’s the best way to to get me to agree with you.

Bob, people were being more rude to you because they thought you were Jason. Haha, that’s funny!

Because as a dependant all the money you would have gotten went to your parents tax return who claim you as a dependant. They have your money NOT the government. They get your money because it costs them money to support you. That’s why they claim you on their taxes as a dependant.

Basically, its one of the perks for having kids.
My daughter had a shirt that read “Daddies little tax deduction”.

Don’t worry, someday when you have Dependants of your own, you will be happy to “screw” them too. Although, we take $1k from our return and put it in the bank to help pay for all the activities throughout the year.

Not sure why everyone is so harsh? Did I miss your previous ass hattery?

I didn’t get a stimulus check last year. Fuck that shit lol.

spend it at Pharoahs :tup:

If you didn’t get one last year then you can get one on your tax return this year (for last year)… somehow I doubt you’re above the max income.