Stimulus Payment Schedule - check yours

Sweet I’m getting my plasma screen TV on the 9th.

The shift in tax burden from the wealthy to them. While not a monetary increase yet, if the government borrows money, paid for by taxpayer A-Z, to give a tax cut to taxpayer A-F, G-Z pick up the burden. Effectively, its a tax increase, since the government borrowed the money and they’re paying a higher percentage now.

Here’s an old article from a study by a non-partisan, Republican-headed gov. agency.

More $ for a bigger down payment on a house May 9

Direct deposit FTMFW

i still dont know what im going to do with it … new gutters,new garage door,zero turn lawnmower, or new tv

may 9th direct deposit + 2 dependants

The part you always like to skim past…

The conclusions are stark. The effective federal tax rate of the top 1 percent of taxpayers has fallen from 33.4 percent to 26.7 percent, a 20 percent drop. In contrast, the middle 20 percent of taxpayers – whose incomes averaged $51,500 in 2001 – saw their tax rates drop 9.3 percent. The poorest taxpayers saw their taxes fall 16 percent.

Everyone got a cut.

But to Democrats, the conclusion was clear. For the bottom 20 percent of households, the combined Bush tax cuts averaged $250 each. The middle 20 percent received $1,090, while the top 1 percent garnered $78,460, said Democrats on the Joint Economic Committee who analyzed the report.

This is why I so despise Democrats. They play this off like it’s a bad thing. No shit the people who paid 10x more in taxes got more back from the tax cuts, and the guy at the bottom who was paying nothing or next to nothing didn’t see a big change. THAT’S HOW TAX CUTS WORK! It’s almost as bad as them wanting to send income tax rebate checks to people who didn’t pay income tax.

I <3 having a SS# that starts with 0.

I don’t skim past that. If you reduce 1 group 20%, one group 9%, and one group 16%, borrow the money to pay for it, and pay it back at the new rates, how is that not a tax increase? The middle class are paying back a lot more of the cut than they got. The rich people are paying back a lot less.

For now :slight_smile:

And if they paid 10x more taxes, why did they get 78x more back?

may 9th…hrmmm Exhaust or V1 and iPod/Zune? I can’t decide!!!

may9th… direct deposit is awesome!


yay, new compressor may 9th

sweet, booze and hookers on may 2nd!

Because they pay a lot more than 10x the amount?

Top 5% pay 53% of the total income tax collected.
Top 10% pay 65%
Top 50% pay 96%

But yeah, the bottom definitely deserve more of a cut. :bloated:

They also make that much of the money.

The fact remains, the Bush tax cuts shifted more of the burden to the middle class, who are getting squeezed hardest right now anyway. 20 more years of Republican rule and they’d be wiped out completely. 10% of them would join the upper class, and 90% would end up with the poor.

I didn’t want to be the one to say it.

You guys are going to end up like those guys on that movie Grumpy Old Men.

Jay or anyone, what are those numbers right now?
top 5% = $200,000 per year???
top 10% = $100,000 per year???
I’m just guessing, does anyone know?


“Squeezed hardest right now”.

Yes, the burden shift slightly. But because of the cuts the entire burden is less. The middle class you’re so concerned for are paying about $1000 less per year in taxed under GW than they did under Clinton. Talk about shifting burdens all you want, but the bottom line is $1000 a year LESS.

The real problem is GW pulled a Giambra. He cut taxes but didn’t cut spending. Real Republicans know the formula is to cut both, where as real Democrats believe the answer is to increase both while claiming they’re going to somehow save the middle class.