Stimulus Payment Schedule - check yours

I guess I should stop using the force, eh?

I am unaware

It’s BORROWED money. Has Bush cut spending by that much? Hell no. Everyone pays back borrowed money. If you give me $1000 but end up giving me $2000 more burden in paying that back, of which 998 goes to rich people and $2 goes to poor people, thats a tax raise.

And the middle class is the one that is suffering from most of the other problems in our economy. CEO’s and minimum wage cashiers aren’t being outsourced, it’s middle management, analysis, and manufacturing jobs. Poor people never had benefits and rich people keep theirs, but the middle-class has to make concessions on their health care and pension every time their contracts come up. Unions lose power, the middle class suffers. Housing falls on its face, the middle-class people that can barely afford a home are the ones that feel it. On top of that, lets make them pay back the tax cut the rich people got. Poor people don’t own houses to begin with. Good plan.

thats okay, no need to with safe filters completely off…

really, no need.

HAHA i can’t turn the filters off. Stupid gov computers, well in this case…lol.

^ I love the exaggeration. I don’t have all day to play this game, so this is my last comment. We will never agree on this topic so it’s pointless to go back and forth all day. I’ll just say, McCain 2008. :slight_smile:

“middle class people that can barely afford a home…”

BULL FUCKING SHIT! The only ones causing this housing “crisis” were morons who bought way more than they could afford. The people who took 20, 25, and 30 year traditional mortgages for amounts they themselves figured out they could afford are doing just fine.


I have no gripe paying more taxes so that less fortunate people can continue to fail at life and live off of my hard work. I just think that you should get a few names and addresses of people living off of your money so you can find them and point and laugh at them for failing at life. Then the higher the tax bracket you go in the more names you get. Maybe the pointing and laughing will provide motivation to the poor and they will work harder thus eliminating the problem. In the meantime better off people atleast get to point and laugh at poor people.

Drew for fed chairman. point and laugh economics > bottom up > trickle down

I really wanted to leave this thread but I so love this idea. But I have to add, that in addition to getting to laugh and point you should be able to make these fuckers do the jobs you don’t feel like doing. Like this week I should be able to drive over to the east side, throw some public assistance motherfucker in my trunk, drive him to my house and make him clean up all the dog shit in my back yard.

There would be protections for the people that legitimately feel on hard times and are just using the assistance to get back on their feet. They’d have an exemption from the list. But if you’re a useless peice of shit 3rd generation on assistance bum you’re gonna start working for the people paying to keep you alive.


I like where you are going here Jay. I can’t believe i didn’t think of this part. We could also setup tier levels of assistance. Like if you get x amount it earns you a rude e-mail, one point and laugh and a kick in the shin. Where as x2 amount can be a trunkride, kick in the nuts, shit scooping, and unlimited point and laughs.


may 9th y0

hooray for it going right to paying off some bills :slight_smile:

haha, I agree with JayS on that portion. Alert the media.

I’ll give them, say, a year waiting period. Then, if you’re on welfare, you can do my dishes or clean my toilet or something.

You should earn credits as you pay into programs you don’t use. Not medicare/SS because everyone uses those, but say, welfare. You get a point for every $100 you paid into it, and you can redeem it for a point and laugh, hour of doing your laundry, etc. from a lifelong recipient.

No joy here.

Funny how all that you guys are proposing is that those on welfare do something to earn their welfare. In some circles that’s called “working.”

Yes, I agree that people on welfare should “work.”

or get pointed and laughed at.

Nothing wrong with the get-pointed-and-laughed-at service industry.

23rd :frowning:

See in point and laugh economics the handout of a job will not work because it is just that a handout. To fix the real problem can only come from within the poor individual. I favor more pointing and kicking which will in turn make them want to better themselves.