Here is the e.t.s for the night and the incrementals of the best run.
- 10.815
- 10.830
- 10.763
- 10.815
- 10.813
- 10.867
Best run @ 7:21 pm
60’ 1.468
330’ 4.367
660’ 6.830
MPH 99.80
1000’ 8.953
MPH 123.63
First run generated the best 60’ of 1.448
To say I am happy is an understatement. I have had many trials and tribulations with this NON-FLYCUT oem N/A stock shortblock H/C/I combo. It has seen some worth while mods as it evolved. One of the “best” mods I put on the 5-Liter is the addition of a Holley systemax. It pulls strong to 6,500 rpm, whereas with the Track heat felt as if it was sticking it’s tongue out at 6,200 rpm. Big props to Anderson Hi-Rev clutchs that allowed some strong 60’s. Can’t say enough about Fox Lakes’ CNC program and TFS Twisted Wedge cylinder heads. Comp cams camshafts and Bee Hive springs that keep everything in check @ 6,700 rpms.
As a sidenote, Cecil had minimal prep and the 2-step never got beyond 5,600 rpm. Last outing at PRP track rental I was able to leave the line with 6,600 rpm dialed in the 2-step.