Stolen Car: $5,000 reward no bs

This past Saturday night, A close friend had they’re Honda Del Sol stolen from a gated parking lot in the Keele and St. Clair area. Thugs broke into parking lot and with a pick up truck and hooked up the trailer(car was in trailer).

There is a reward of $5000 for anyone who can offer information to find this car, chances are its just going to be a shell. Everything is insured, but getting it back is more important. There was a lot of time and money put into this car and it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help.

Things to look out for:

-UPDATE: Trailer was found on Highway 400 and 89, car was not in it

-The car itself, plated “SRV SOL”, painted electronic blue with a ghost paint effect, leather interior, seats have SRV SOL stitched on them.


Only pics I have of it

If anyone has seen the car or trailer, please call me with info at 416-262-8445, this reward is not BS!!

nice car.

for a guy with $100 000 invested into a $4000 car, how is it that the reward is only $5000?

Anyway, good luck.

SOL :mamoru:




sorry to hear about your loss. theives should be shot. hope you find the car

really sorry to hear that man i know how u feel my car was stolen last month but i luckily got it back. Wish u all the best .

hate to say this, but there’s 3-4 wreckers out that way… if someone took it to a farm to strip - it’s a quick hop from there to squished metal

and I personally know of places/people that will take cars without ownership so that’s not necessarily a deterrant

thanks for the positive attitude bud. i’m sure it’s appreciated. :roll:

glad it isnt a 240

wow sorry to hear about that my friend has a boomerang alarm in his car with gps so tracking is no problem and intact recovery is very probable.

with so much invested in that del sol…damn…

If they knew the car was in the trailer,then it was probably someone you know who stole it.

That sux :frowning:
sorry to hear

it had a boomerang too, it was temporaily unhooked as the engine was being rebuilt, the car was basically in pieces in the trailer at the time of the theft.