stolen del sol

ok this is not my car but if u go to sons240 it will be up there look at this car it cant hide for long its the wickedest del sol ive ever seen an i know for a fact that a lot of cars that are stolen there head toward vancouver then down to the states sso it may pass threw here the car was last seen in ontario

This past Saturday night, A close friend had they’re Honda Del Sol stolen from a gated parking lot in the Keele and St. Clair area. Thugs broke into parking lot and with a pick up truck and hooked up the trailer(car was in trailer).

There is a reward of $5000 for anyone who can offer information to find this car, chances are its just going to be a shell. Everything is insured, but getting it back is more important. There was a lot of time and money put into this car and it would be greatly appreciated if anyone could help.

Things to look out for:

-UPDATE: Trailer was found on Highway 400 and 89, car was not in it

-The car itself, plated “SRV SOL”, painted electronic blue with a ghost paint effect, leather interior, seats have SRV SOL stitched on them.