Stolen Car Alert

WTF, I didnt see that Date in there! Thats Fucked. lol

----- VEHICLE THEFT ALERT ----- #SCR06020800005

Make: Dodge
Model: Charger
Year: 1968
Color: Yellow
Type: 2-Door
License Plate (State) Number: (NC) BNK1890
VIN: ***371715

THEFT DATE: 06/08/1988


Street: 139 Niagara Street
City: Buffalo
State: NY
ZIP Code: 14211

Comments: The repair garage that had the car closed up and could not be

Whats a 68 charger look like, I have a idea but im not sure. Arent these things worth some big bucks nowdays?

1988 huh?

I was just gonna say that…

Are we looking for a car that was stolen 18 years ago?

Yeah what the hell?

Odds are its long gone.

for like .5 second i was gonna check the date on the thread, thinking oh maybe this is a thread from 1988 then


haha i did the same thing :ham:

Is this garage at the corner of rhode island and niagara? This shops been closed a long time right? Give us some more info a picture would help thieves…I had a car stolen from that area and I found it hope you find it even if was stolen in 88.

:wtf: at a thread about a car stolen when I was 6…

I was 3!!!*-http%3A//*-http%3A//

thats what they look like, my dads friend has one:pimp:

dang… i was 4

i was 4… what does this thread even mean??

I guess its good for figuring out how old we were in 1988. I was 7!

The internet wasnt even invented in '88

what the hell is going on???

:frowning: I am so confused… why was this posted!? What are we supposed to be doing about it! alll!!! and yeah, I was 2 at the time.

i was a month away from being 9 when that car was stolen

hence the bloated face at the end of my post

and the humor


in thinking that there might be

internet… even for .5 seconds

in 1988

PJB = :bloated: