stolen identity, sort of.

Do you do anything “all that is man”?


best reply to anything you have to say…

I love people calling people pussies via the interwebz. Anonymity ftmfw…

lol I’m the biggest pussy ever I guess. To the point, I’m allowed to purposely troll a forum. To the point I can attack the entire staff on a regular basis, and they wont do anything.

Since they switched the forum over to this and the classifieds tanked (which was the only reason I stuck around, I was trying to get banned) I’ve single handedly proved everything I’ve said to be true.

This thread, like many other threads, was derailed by idiots.

as for generarro asking if I do anything that is “all that is man” I was standing at mighty when you had your faggot ass integra and were telling the people there you’d only run from a 60 roll because you built the wrong car and it broke axles from a dig. Remember? I was the guy who said “I’m surprised you car is even fast when its weighed down by those bagfulls of excuses” and you didnt say a fucking word to me in defense. I was in the blue sonoma with the bags and system that shook the earth.

to respond to jay, I’m a miser with money which is why I don’t have an outstanding debt, so when I’m driving a beater 87 wrangler 100 miles round trip a day, its not economical, and thus replacing it in the middle of winter with a grand am and watching my insurance go from 58$ a month to 98$ a month was appauling.

end goal, being fully retired before 50 without having to slave my life away, so far its half achieved. Must suck to be me.

You are a raving lunatic at this point.

Lets all just sit back and watch the mental collapse of just karter

Honestly dude, if you CHOOSE to be such a tight ass with your money, you really have NO RIGHT to get pissed off about spending a little more on gas or more on insurance. If you’re saying you choose to be as cheap as possible even if it really isn’t a matter of being able to afford an EXPECTED expense thats entirely your own fault.

Also, your attempt at jabbing gennaro about whether or not you had ever done anything “all that is man” was terrible…how does that story in any way highlight you doing something “all that is man” ?

I read you’re posts all over this forum and the words you type seem to just spell “WAHHHHHHHHHH” everytime I read them.

You should really stop bitching about the staff here, it’s a lot less their fault than you go around claiming. I have been a member since UBRF days, and nothing has changed except that the core members arent as interested in cars as they used to be…but the fact of the matter is, if you meet them in person and have enough of a personality to talk to them and actually become friends that’s really the underlying point here…if you can’t interact with people in person you can’t expect them to be “welcoming” of you online persona. I hear a lot of people complaining about there being some kind of group of “cool kids” here…all that is, is that those are the members that have been around the longest and have actually become really good friends so there is a lot of comraderie(sp?) that shows in their activity here. Anyone that feels like they can’t be part of this so-called “cool kids” group…I would be willing to bet have a problem where their online persona is nowhere near what their real-life persona is, and that’s the REAL problem.

if you were only here for the classifieds, your time would be much better spent being an active member of craigslist, I think craigslisters might be more your type of people to associate with

/off soapbox

Freaking cool kids…

Haha :slight_smile:

being able to afford, and being cost effective are 2 different sports. that rant was switching form a 10 mpg jeep to a 25 mpg car, and getting beat on insurance, thus making it a total loss as a whole. There was no winning at that point.

as for generraro, that event wasnt supposed to be manly, its just reminding him, that he cant say shit about anyone else being manly, when he didn’t have shit to say in person. He didn’t try to headbutt me in the knees.

as for the cool kids. Its more like, “newman talked shit so without even forming my own opinion ill come into a thread and talk shit too” and every other sheep does the same.

---------- Post added at 11:23 AM ---------- Previous post was at 11:21 AM ----------

plan is still working lollll


Thats usually what people with shitty jobs say.

I intend to work till i die, because my job is awesome

Lol! It’s Gennaro for one. For two I lined up multiple times running from low rolls and digs on the street with my slicks on and ran people at the track. What have you ran? Sad part is I don’t even know what you look like let alone even know you. All I did was ask a simple question. No offense I don’t think a car makes you a man it’s not hard to operate nor take much skill. If you want to talk shit about someone you DON’T know not ever talked too then let me know maybe we can meet up and set things straight because the people that know me know that I’m no pussy. But cool story bro keep running your mouth via Internet about people you don’t know, and acting your show size. On that not I’m going back inside since I’m at the drop zone jumping out of a plane at 12,500ft I know I know super gay and pussy shit.