Stolen OZ wheels In Colonie

My names Nate Ryan gentlemen. We got a lead! Thanks you all for the help!

And of course my phone notifications I set up weren’t fuckin working of course when I needed them to so I didn’t even know anyone even responded to this thread. Again thank you all so much.

yea couldnt link the name to the username knew i had your number at crc so was trying to link you guys up. hope it all works out

Please tell me the cops are involved and not just Nick going after the suspect with a bat and a 12 pack :rofl

Fuck that I vote bat and 12 pack, it’ll get more done.


Costs tax payers less, teaches a real unforgettable life lesson.

The Cops get paid whether you use them or not.

What about court appointed defense lawyers, and free food in prison? Just don’t mistake me for an expert on the subject, far from it.

I ate well in jail ! Free gym memberships etc

Just stupid. Why cant people leave other people’s property the fuck alone. I catch someone stealing my shit it will be bat first, police later, 12 pack to celebrate.

LOL John.

i never ate soo much cereal in my life.

It was pretty ballsy. Especially on a Friday night at hooters parking lot.

until u get arrested for assault, then it becomes a bad idea. 3 more years and i can defend u, but not yet lol

Drag them in ur house have your friend hit you a few times to make it look like a struggle and shoot to kill so they can’t defend themselves in court and u shot them inside your house that they were trespassing


Got um!


lmao. they don’t need to be alive for that to blow up in your face.

it’s pretty simple, don’t assualt anyone, if you know who stole the wheels find out where they are and allow the cops to go and bust them, don’t go to jail over a pair of wheels.