Stop lDiablo233 from posting: Rundraiser.

In light of lDiablo 233’s postings,

I would like too Offer 5 dollars for him too stop posting.
Please add 5 dollars too this too raise funds.

if alright with the mods,
i propose whomever wants ldiablo233 too stop posting to post:
‘5 dollars here’

And we will add 5 dollars too the Fund,
if ldiablo233 agrees to accept the Total Fund at the end.
then he will allow a moderator too permaban him.

Any takers?



can we make this “get Idiablo233 more makeup fund”?

now HOW would that help us. hahaaha

he can still post, its entertaining… when speedped isnt around, we have this guy… this way we will never be bored. If anything we should be supporting some more drifting vids

^^^ you use that word…very loosely

its funny when either lDiablo or speedped post in a thread but when they both hit the same thread its like you just got hit by a fuckin train and lived

Speedped isn’t even that bad anymore.

it’s “to”

NOT “too”


isn’t there some feature where you can IGNORE someone, lets say by putting them on an IGNORE list.

though if you would like to provide me with said money for helping your cause I will gladly take it

I got 5 on it …permaban is only good for his name he may just make a new one …

ATTN NYSPEED: I know you think that lDiablo233 is dumb. This is how most of you seem too me. If i was going too ban everyone i thought was unintelligent here, it would be a ghost town.


awww :heart:
