Stoptechs have arrived

Got brakes today. No time to even take them out of the box because I had a business trip to go on through Thursday… but they go on this Friday.
I’ll have them on for open laps at Beaverun if anyone is going out this weekend.
If I can get them on Friday afternoon I hope to be out at Starlite cruise Friday night. If you see me, say hey.


really nice car!

Nice, that is for sure one hot whip.

You will like the Stoptechs. They have plenty of braking power and they a very good on the track. Mine have 70k+ miles/17 track days on them. They really need a rebuild… I hope they get me through this Saturday.

Did you go with the 332 or 355 kit?

Had 355 Stoptechs last year but track wheels wouldn’t fit over them. So I sold the brakes for a profit (go figure… people will pay lots of money for big brakes). I went back to stock over the winter while I did engine/turbo upgrades.
Now, new season, new brakes.
These new ones are 332 so I can fit track wheels over them.

I like the audi A4’s they are very nice and fast to boot. nice whip

Hehehe… gotcha fooled, then. A4’s are not fast stock. S4’s are the fast one out of the box. Eric’s above will rip most cars a new one since it’s modded. Stock his car would be way faster than a stock A4.
A4’s can be fast, though. Many 1.8t’s are putting out over 400hp and I think top one right now is like 550hp. Can be done, but they don’t come that way.
I could beat a stock A4 on my bicycle… unless it’s snowing. Quattro rules in the snow.
But the way I’ve got my car set up now… on race gas it’s very fast, and on pump gas I still have fun with some V8’s that think they’ll smoke me.

well I know they’re not fast stock. but the way you have yours done hell yeah they get fast. even though they’re faster than my car stock to stock

Car still up on jackstands; going out to bed-in pads now.

:blue: !!!

Were you at beaver run today. If so I seen ya from past the autocross course.

Yep. All the Pittsburgh area Audi crew was there. Should’ve screamed/honked. I’d have stopped and said hey.

you have to have one of the cleanest street cars ive ever seen. your atleast in the top 10. very nice.

Thanks, but to me it’s dirty because I’m pretty OCD about it. Thing is on a lift getting undercarriage scrubbed and detailed at every oil change, and I always include my bay and wheel wells for any wash.
I have a great advantage in that it is garage-kept and stored winters. It is not a daily driver, and I’m emissions exempt for under 5k miles a year.
So under those circumstances, it’d better be clean.
But thanks, though.
Lot’s of clean cars here that are driven every day. Those cars deserve the props, not mine!

How did you like the brakes at BR? What pads did you run?

I didn’t run that day but have Ferrodo (spelling?) DS3000 for track use.
I have yet to run them; I’m switching streets from Axxis out to Hawk HPS, which is what I have on rears.
My clutch is going so I don’t want to track until I get that done.

Mine too, what clutch are you looking at?

Southbend FE SS and hopefully resurface my dual-mass flywheel. I don’t want to go lightweight flywheel because they chatter like something is broken when idling. You?

i saw you leaving beaverun on saturday i was coming head on to you in the yellow z06 i was riding passenger…your car looks good. It will look and stop alot better with those stoptechs.