storm much?

nice balls




ROFL!!! hahahhaha


Ok, the picture of steve’s car and the comments about the damage of cars at UB made me go check mine again. Not a single dent. Checked a few other cars in our lot and it looks like no damage anywhere. Less than a mile from UB and less than 2 miles from where Steve was. Way too close for comfort. I know next time I hear NOAA talking about quarter sized hail heading this way I’m driving the 2 miles home to hide the car in the garage. :slight_smile:

well, now that it’s dry, I have around 20+ dents all over the car :frowning:

you lucked out big time Jay

I was also parked at UB north campus - no dents :slight_smile:


Just got some hail (some golf ball sized pieces) in North Buffalo. Good thing I put the Mustang in the garage…

Holy hail!!! Tonawanda just got nailed. I swear some were the size of golf balls and hens eggs. i threw blankets over my truck. Damn, Biggest I’ve seen in my 46 years! Perfect reason why the 'Vette is always in the garage!

^^^ word. We just had some good sized hail hit North Buffalo. I got my car in the garage literally one minute before it started. :slight_smile:

I’m FUCKING Pissed …

The Saleen has 28 dings … Ugggggg …

No hail in Lewiston. The old Accord lives on for another pretty day. hehehe

pulled the fit in when it first started

and now its sunny…and raining and hailing and thundering

some shitty cell pics to come

Fuck, it’s coming back? I don’t want more dimples. :cry:

Just huge rain drops in Williamsville this time. Thunder is rumbling pretty good still.

i was looking up at the time of the hail.and got a golf ball in my mouth.
seriously chipped k9