storm much?

just came down like crazy for a few min in williamsville

Ow. That couldn’t feel good. I was sitting on my porch waiting for it to start and all of the sudden a giant three inch across chunk of ice landed two feet next to me. I promptly said, “Fuck this,” and went inside. I thought I was in that movie The Day After Tomorrow. lol

holy shit, just raped it’s way through depew.

more golf balls :frowning:

ugh, i just had to lafengas my car, i thought we were done so i didnt park under a tree…

started back up with golf balls when i was grilling so i ran and got the blanked and tossed it over the roof and cf trunk, and put a tarp on the hood and capped it off with the car cover

for the non OG who dont know what im talking about with “pulling a lafengas”

:word: holy fuck

Fuck no garage for the 240.

well the e36 was inside but the e30 wasnt.:frowning: i hope old german sheet metal is

i was just playing tennis and…

What a disappointment. No hail sown in S. Erie. Not even a good storm. Nothing. Sunny all day.

The Outback could use some battle wounds too!

wow did it just ever come down with golf balls at golds on wherle, holy shit. sucks for the dude behind me in the yellow c6 z06 behind me on the highway getting pegged with this crap

240sx sheet metal > *. 2 dents that I found so far compared to the Fusion and Escape which are severely dented and the Fusion has a cracked windshield. I wanted an excuse to get a CF hood lol.

Don’t speak so soon. In OP I’m hearing some thunder and it got dark pretty quickly.

I’m down at work in Arcade, extreme S. Erie.

I am seeing something off over on Lake Erie though, might develop more, hopefully. And hopefully it will arrive right at 9pm when i am leaving. I want a light show dammit!

Edit - Looks like it just exploded once it got over land, down by Silver Creek. Might go too far south of Arcade for any fun more me.

The clouds to the north are impressive though. They rise extremely high.

looks like you’re seeing what’s over Fredonia right now

Yea, it just flew over OP. No hail but some nasty cloud-cloud lightning and the loudest and clearest cracks of thunder I’ve heard in a long time.

oh no Chris! It’s coming for us!!!

I was down on rt 5 by the steel plant and started getting rained on, then poured on. and I ripped home and made it here about 5 minutes before the storm came


I love racing weather

that is actually pretty surprising. i wouldnt think my S14 would fare too well in this :ohnoes:

I take back everything negative I said. The one currently in central erie, is lining up very nicely for my location.

Should be here in 15-20 minutes.


^ Radar is updating every few minutes.

You live in Depew too? You must be close to me. Never seen an S14 around here.