Storm !!!

Ladders and wind don’t mix so I’m home.

ok FINE u win

I was told there is an approx 20X50ft piece of the plaza roof laying behind the pizzeria.I haven’t been done there to see it yet.Wonder what my deductible is anyways.

Oh come on, it would be a fun day to be working up on an icy roof while hoping your ladder doesn’t get blown away!

You are one of the few who gets to reasonably call off work today. :slight_smile:

im only on essjay and evans area… i dont see y we need to be on it but :gotme: i dont have a say here

then you explain to me why the front of my car lifted and my rpms climbed like there was less load when a strong gust hit it.

most school districts and buisnesses are closed…sounds like a “state of emergency” to me.

My commute to work was fine City of Tonawanda to West Seneca. Only issue I had was my damn driver side wiper fluid line must have been frozen so caked on salt and road water makes visibility suck and I am OCD about my windshield being clear, it started working when was at corner of Mineral Springs and Harlem of course. Only noticeable things was wind coming down 190 around downtown was rocking me a bit but other than that was easy drive.

It is white out here in West Seneca though and we lost our phone system.


half power here…

no lights or heat…but internetz and phone

oooh this ones too easy.

cruise control was probably on and the scion couldn’t handle the wind so it needed to accelerate to keep going? :stuck_out_tongue:

or “he hit ICE” hello and it yes may have lifted a lil from the wind

it wasnt the scion…she is sheltered in the garage. but the rpms climbing were a result of there being less load…not more.

it very well could have been ice…but it only happened when i was struck by a strong gust of wind. the fact i was driving 80+ mph into the wind probably helped a bit too.

even if it was water at 80 you could have hydroplaned the wind may have moved the car over a lil that you hit a spot where no one has been

Screw the ladder!! More like hoping I don’t blow off the roof!!!

People are pussies or it is a hell of a lot worse up north.

LA windmills? Anyone? Did they blow away? Story at 11?

still nasty here in blasdell, cant see out my window.

No cars on the 190/290 = getting to school faster than usual. :tup: Bunch of wimps.

accuweather radars are still showing lots of lake effect bands

3 mile drive to work and taking side streets all the way ftw

Been off and on here over by Sheridan and the Boulavard. I watched a parking sign hit a car on the ride in and a roof blew off a house over by my house in Buffalo. This weather is nuts!

or it could have been the wind lifting the front of the car.

it only takes 180 mph to lift an 800,000 lb boeing 747 off the ground.