Storm !!!

camp fire wood nice

Hamburg is still getting demolished right now. I can’t even see whatever damage the wind caused by itself because all I see out of my window is a solid white. My whole house was shaking last night, fucking intense.

I really wish this weather would go the hell away already.

Kinda seems like the tree was blocking the shed door a bit. Now, not a problem :slight_smile:

Power is out at work, home early. :slight_smile:

5 poles blown over.

:lol: stupid underground power here it will never go out…and if it does generator kicks on after 60sec…and all the servers are on a UPS good for 30min.

same here :tdown: we’re on generator power now

Your home owners insurance does. Only way your neighbor would, would be if the tree had been dead for some time and was a known issue (negligence).

yea i was hoping for no power…stupid downtown…

you could say its a little breezy out

White out here at n.forest/millersport. Can’t see more than 10-15 feet out my window. Down to 5 at times.

thats good to know… I’m leaving here at 12-100. This shit sucks

Do you work in the business park across from the newly built gas station and car wash?

I didn’t go that way on purpose this morning because I saw lots and lots of cops, assuming the light was out over there.

To bad the hatch isn’t open we could walk over for lunch :lol:

how much snow is on the ground out there?

Yeah, on john muir.

And yeah, the light at n.forest/millersport was out. Power was out from Stahl to Millersport but was back on as soon as you crossed millersport. APD was doing a decent job directing traffic though.

Completely clear here now BTW. I love lake effect snow. :lol:


you must not have been experiencing the same conditions i was on my way to work. it wasnt just windy, but more like hurricane force winds. the sheer volume of debris i had to dodge was a clear indication of that. i even saw a tin shed rolling down the street. this is by far the worse wind i have ever seen in the 30 years ive been in the buffalo area. shit the gusts were so bad on the I-990 it was picking the front of my 3000 lb car off the road surface. some white knuckle driving at its best.

I live down town B-lo… the house was rocking all night… but we never lose power… I dont have to go into work till 3pm but I drive for work so at least it will be nice the roads are empty…

my work is on generator power right now yayy

No… it wasn’t. If it was there would be a state of emergency declared because every van, truck, suv and tractor trailer would have been blown off the road, as well as most trees being down and roofs ripped off houses.

Do you have any idea how much wind it takes to lift a 3000lb car off the road? Seriously, just sell your car and buy a bus pass.

have been on all day and will be till 6