Storm !!!

must be a racist pine

hell ya!!!

no school baby!!!

I think it’s just chillin. Probably gotta call tree services.

:word: .

take a picture and photochop the tree to say “fuck yo house! buy another one ya rich motha fucka!”

edit: optional caption: “om nom nom nom”

holy shit, what a ride in. Had to drive through about 1.5ft of standing water in Lackawanna on Rt.5. Look at the sides of the cars in front of me, not the wake behind them

BWAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA!!! Anybody else watching/listening to i think channel 4 news? the most recent caller to call in was epic…a young boy/girl, couldn’t tell by the voice…

Caller: We can’t see anything, blah blah blah…yeah, i’ve been watching sinnce 5:30 this morning!

News Women: WOW! since 5:30? good for you…i’ll bet you’re happy about no school today blah blah blah…

call ends…video switches to image of another news man, but audio doesn’t make the same switch, so we’re looking at a dude, but still hearing the two women, and one says on the air:

“I can’t believe that kid’s been watching since 5:30”

but it wasn’t in a surprised upbeat tone, she had the kind of tone when you think somebody’s a total wierdo, like “why the hell would he/she do that.”

i nearly pissed myself…

So, if the neighbor’s tree falls on your house, who picks up the bill?

hope its on youtube soon

i wana see

me too…since we are neighbors

more importantly, if nobody’s home to hear it…did it make any noise?

Was anyone else listening to the Edge and hear (or not hear) the station go down?

Several other ones did as well.

i left an extra 10 minutes early for work, and i really did not need to. the roads were fine, visibility was mostly ok, and all the lights/power was on. I actually got their quicker since not many people were out on the roads.(Tonawanda to Williamsville)

sweet no one showed at work… so i get to sit on my ass all day and get paid big bucks. oh shit i forgot, its basically EVERYDAY around here… so damn boring

  1. Thats a lot of water.
  2. Get that registration sticker on before you get a stupid “Not affixed to window” ticket.
  3. Back up a few hundred feet, gun it and hit the water at 60 MPH! :smiley:

does anyone rember the old pinball game where the guy used to say “the storm is coming” from major magic’s …i hurd that in my head today driving in

I’m in the HSBC center watching the light poles at dunn tire park swaying more and more by the minute out my office window. My TBSS was getting rocked back and forth pretty consistently on the way in and there was an upside down semi at the 90/290 split, that was pretty cool. Made it in from willville in 12 minutes though

pretty sure its not the neighbors insurance, but yours. Sux but I do believe its the truth.

Yea. We are on the Commons Power grid which is separate from UB. Power surges quite often.

But no calls yet, so I’m going to see Rambo :slight_smile:

Neighbors tree luckily missed the shed this morning :eek:

Time to leave work and go home to bust out the chain saw :carnut:
