story time with the jam.

so, as some of you may already know, i work at a pizzeria. i have since i was in high school (i know, sad right?) anyway, this story goes back to the summer after my senior year in high school, a great time in my life…

wait. lets tarentino this a bit.

the story will start on a brisk october day in the fall of 05. i had just gotten out of work, and was in my black mk3 jetta on my way to my friends mike (osiris) and dan’s (dex) apartment. i decided to stop at a gas station on my way to pick up some beer, smokes and gas.

i walk in to make my purchase, and go to the counter with my fresh 18 pack of cold budweiser.

“a pack of marb lights box, too” i say
“can i see your id?” the man behind the register says.

i had just turned 21, not an unreasonable request. i reach into my pocket and pull out my id.

“this isnt you.” the man behind the counter says
“sure it is!” i say. “i just got my hair cut, i may look a little different”
“ahhhh…” he says “last time i saw you your hair was longer”
“last time?” i say, confused. i had only been into this gas station once before, there was no way the attendant could have known me from there.
“yeah,” he says. “you worked with my wife amanda.”

im very confused at this point, trying to think of someone who does or had worked with me at XXXXXXXXXX at one point or another.

it finally hits me. holy shit, i think… amanda…

rewind about 3 years. its the summer after my senior year. my boss hires this cute sub girl, amanda. she was quite the flirt, and within about a month of working there she had worked her way through almost the entire male staff at xxxxxxxxxxxx. she always needed rides home at night after work, we used to take turns, im sure you can all use your imagination and realize why.

so now here i stand, in front of a man who’s wife’s mouth had been around my dick more times than i care to remember.

“ohhh amanda!” i exclaim. “hows she doing?”
“good,” he says. “she’s 6 months pregnant, we got married about 4 months ago”
“wow, that was fast! how long were you guys dating for?” i ask
“about 5 years actually!”
“oh, wow man thats great! congratulations!!!”
“thanks,” he says, “i’ll tell her you said hi.”
“ya do that… welp, see you later!”

i leave in quite the hurry attempting not to burst out in laughter. that poor sonuvabitch seemed to have no idea… and none of us knew she had a boyfriend. she seemed to have left that part out.

i almost feel bad for that guy.




I love you.
Lets destroy things this weekend.



I went on a date with a woman who was a few years older than me…slept with her, then find out she was a customers ex wife…that customer had an appointment later that week. Odd to say the least.

Now this is quality. All you wanna be thread starters looking for cheap kudos and notariety (sp?) take notes. That is how you fucking do it. :tspry: 5 stars.

that sir is a fantastic story


Now this is quality. All you wanna be thread starters looking for cheap kudos and notariety (sp?) take notes. That is how you fucking do it. :tspry: 5 stars.


holy crap you of all people actually enjoyed something in off topic???

i decided to write this out of boredom after she came in today to get something to eat with a friend and her young child… her husband (if theyre even still together) was no where to be found.

im glad you all enjoyed it, i think im going to try to do this on a somewhat regular basis as they come to me, ive got some good ones…

Well played sir, well played…

come over so there can be another story. hahahahah


tdown. horrible story/. if this was realy terentino stylez you woulda slapped him in the face. stole the smokes and beer. and threw your left over match at the pumps and peeled away with tires squeeling as you barely escape the huge mushroom cloud of explosion.

its cool though, you can work on it. :wink:

Haha, most excellent.




Now this is quality. All you wanna be thread starters looking for cheap kudos and notariety (sp?) take notes. That is how you fucking do it. :tspry: 5 stars.


+2 ?

would read again!

every girl cheats on her BF/Husband.


every girl cheats on her BF/Husband.


awww newms have some sob stories you need to share with us about your broken heart and past relationships gone awry?


awww newms have some sob stories you need to share with us about your broken heart and past relationships gone awry?


no, but i have a laundry list of girls that have boyfriends/husbands with stories that they may need to share. :wink:


awww newms have some sob stories you need to share with us about your broken heart and past relationships gone awry?


no thats for the night crew