Strange DVD playing problem

having the same problem with 2 different computers

one is a brand new build, fresh install of xphome, other is aobut a year old, also fresh install of xp home

both computers wont play dvd’s, the new computer has a lite-on DVD-RW combo drive while the other is a CD-RW/DVD-rom in the older computer

on to the goods

I have set both computers to the correct region for the cd-roms, all firmware from manufacturer has been updated to the most current

I have a copy of powerDVD on both computers as well as just about every dam codec pack i know of

now dvd-roms, wont even say there’s a drive in the bay. I have tried 2 different DVD’s rented from blockbuster

then I tried DVD data disc(oblivion) the new computer it took about 3-4 mins to realize it was the oblivion disc, then after that it would not load it, went ot explore the disc and all the files were IE files and could not open

the other computer would not even show the cd as in the drive

what to do? i’m lost here lol

That’s weird that it’s happening for both. Try putting them on a different IDE channel (if they are IDE drives)

edit: whats up man… we need to get together for some sabres games…

yea on the older computer, its on a seperate IDE channel

the other computer is running SATA HD’s so its also on its own IDE channel

and yes jim, answer your phone sometimes :stuck_out_tongue:

check jumpers, check IDE setup… If the firmware was loaded wrong then that can be an issue as well.

hope this helps

jumper for them are set to master, they are both on their own channels

firmware i’ve tried installing a few diff times, says i have the most current version every time, mayvbe overwrite it?

How about music/data CD’s? Do they work fine?

yes cd-roms work fine, music, data

anything that is not a DVD-rom

Maybe its not the computers, drives, or your cd/dvd’s… maybe you are the Virus :eekdance:

Were they working before the Firmware update? I am having the same issue (sort of) as we speak with just one DVD game. I need to change the Primary IDE (dvd/cdrw drive) to “DMA if available”

they didn’t work before the firmware updates, the one drive has not read dvd’s since i put the compute rtogather a couple weeks ago

I would put money on it that the laser is bad (although it is strange that they are both fucked up)

stupid question: Does the machine recognize them as DVD drives?

It should say in “My Computer” DVD drive, as opposed to just CD-rom Drive.

yea actually the one is kinda strange, it says DVD-RAM drive? never seen taht before…that one is the DVD/RW

other one i’m not sure what it says

Roll back the driver/ firmware (dont even know if you can for the firmware) and then see what it is recognized as