I just put my apexi intake on over the weekend, and since then ive noticed a strange sound. When i lift off the throttle when im in boost, the car makes a fluttering sound coming from the intake. So my questions are:
Does a CA18 have a factory BOV?
Is that compressor surge?
Or are my turbo bearings on the way out?
And out of curiosity,what would be involved to put a t28 for a S14 on a stock CA if the turbo is done?
Thanks for any help
i believe that’s compressor surge.
Compressor surge if it’s a new sound
Compressor surge. And CA’s don’t have a stock recirc valve. At least my buddies 180 didn’t have one, we even looked at every piece of charge pipe and didn’t find shit.
SO if thats compressor surge than would a BOV not remedy that? My 180 has a BOV and I still get that fluttering sound.
yeah a BOV should fix the surge
Then your BOV is set a little tight.
OK so wat u guys r saying is im not in need of a new turbo right now? Cause im poor
But if all it is is compressor surge, im happy thats easy to fix.
So how do I adjust my BOV?
there should be a screw that you can adjust. i know with my old sard you had to take the whole thing apart
Well I just went out and started lossening off my BOV and I have it all the way down to where it releases at 2000RPM and I’m still getting compressor surge. Is there anything else I can try, it seems like if I go any looser on the adjusting screw it’ll fall out.
Maybe it’s not the compressor surge that’s making the fluttering.
If the fluttering is coming from your intake then it’s most likely compressor surge, some bovs make a fluttering sound.
Its definatly comming from the intake. Just with the way things have been goin for me, i cant be too careful.