Street Drift Discussion v1.

Does anyone have a decent video camera? I’ll set up on one of the better turns and get some cool footage

Since all these fags are going to carlisle this weekend you want to snag someone’s cam and go up and get some shots?

Yes. I had plans for saturday canceled.

we need to get a camera though cause i dont have one nor do i know anyone who owns one

neg rep for not going to carlise :haha

neg repped back for going to carlisle

neg rep for neg repping me when i false neg repped:'( …dont be a big dick!

i’m not going to pa with those guys so if you wanna go out and get some shots i’d be down.


my bad.


yea maybe you guys can touch each other too while we are gone :wink:

Well I wouldn’t want to make you jealous.

I have some of that new KY stuff that stimulates you “down there”

The his and hers kind?

No the newer stuff thats made to stimulate chicks. IDK there is funny commercials of the stuff

I don’t really have it.

I’ve never had to use lube


Oh Evan, thank you for bringing that lube for my pussy. I never would’ve been able to handle your four inch dick inside my pussy without that gigantic bottle of lube.

don’t be upset sammy!

i won’t jay-jay