Street Legal R Compound Tires VS $$$$ Suspension Setups

So, on Friday, I mounted a set of pretty well used R compounds onto the Sparcos on my Civic.

Lots of life left in them, but nevertheless, they were one year old street driven R compounds. So, well used.

Now, I know many of you have run really nice tires in the past but my God, what a difference.

For the past couple of years, I’ve spent money and decent amounts of it on good suspension components but have always neglected the most important part of the suspension…tires.

I reminded myself on Friday that it is literally pointless and foolish to spend so much money on setup and suspension parts and then running shit burn rubber.

The grip that I now have on my stock EK with R compounds far surpasses any other car I’ve built in the last few years.

The last car that had even close to this much grip was my 10th AE FC with some new BFG Forces. (The ones with the dismal tread rating)

I’ve been wasting my money in the wrong areas.

Just a reminder. Suspension is useless without good tires. Useless.

Its funny cuz on my bikes, I run nothing BUT R compounds. Then again, its only 350 for a set of R compounds on a bike.

Anyways, most of you prolly all know this but god damn I forgot how good it is to run on sticky tires with a stiff ass sidewall for turn in. (I went for 14" winteres with a 65 profile, lol)

nothing but the truth.

yeah pretty much

potenza re-11 :slight_smile:



and brakes dont mean shit if all you do is lock them up

tires are where its at

yup im never going back to street tires… nt01 ftw in my case… id like to go to full slicks when on track… but $$$… we shall see…

Time to grab some Nitto’s

What kind of life do you guys get outta r comps?

How many hrs of lapping do these things last, assuming good tire pressure and appropriate size?


we need local tarmac rally other than newfoundland

^ that would be sick.

num num num…my tires were so sticky, my engine blew up. lolz…

my reliable daily driver bulletproof Civic grenaded on tuesday. fml. so now my rex is my daily driver…

it’s okay, gives me an excuse to do ym swap earlier now. :smiley: it’s too bad the roll cage on the RX7 is on hold now though. :frowning:

found the motor already, it’s being delivered tomorrow. :slight_smile: I’m soooooo stoked. it’s my dream honda motor…one that I never would have imgained I’d ever have.

It’s got a pretty red valve cover from the factory. thats all i care about. lolz. soooooo stoked…stoked stoked…gonna be rippin some serious tek with those tires. just need coils and the car is done done done!

stoked stoked stoked. Wish I had the recaro interior to match the motor.


mmmm Sticky tires… I had RT-615’s on my spring commuter… So much fun!

eew i hated my rt-615… greasy shit… street tires vs r comps = no competition

I wish good tires didn’t cost 1000 dollars. :frowning: