Street racers might need to outrun a drone soon

The last city that tried this got in deep shit with the FAA because unmanned drones require all sorts of paperwork before they are allowed to fly in public airspace.

It’s only a matter of time though. It’s no different than having a police helicopter join the chase, except this police helicopter can be stored in a small truck and launched from almost anywhere.

i’ll have to buy a rifle, some beer, and a mask.

psh aint no thang for a turbo hon-duhhhhh

We can shoot them down, strip it and sell the parts.


We can shoot them down, strip it, and make a huge ridiculous spoiler.


Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:


Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:




Fixed :stuck_out_tongue:


LOL!! now everyone is looking into my office like i’m crazy

Don’t see this ending well.

great publicity stunt for the force, but I don’t forsee it be really cost effective based on the last few tries.

hell yah to shooting it down, that’d be some funny shit.


i’ll have to buy a rifle, some beer, and a mask.



Bobbbyyy what are you doing on the roof.

Im shooting skeet but the damn bird keeps moving, commere ya little slut, Im gonna eatcha